I started reading Harry Potter to Calvin a few days ago. He's too young for some of the later books, but I think in a slow read aloud way he will be able to enjoy the first one. We've only done the first chapter, and he didn't quite follow it - I'd forgotten how much that chapter is almost entirely about voice and atmosphere. I expect once the parseltongue and owls kick in he'll be a bit more into it, but it is so ridiculously compelling from the get-go to me. I feel like I never gave JK Rowling enough credit for her word-craft back when I devoured the books, but that chapter just has voice coming out of its bottom. And Britishiness. It's like a slightly less funny (though still pretty funny) Hitchhiker's Guide, with Mr. Dursley playing the role of a less likable Arthur Dent.
Tonight I had the bright idea to get the books in Portuguese as well, and installed a Portuguese-English dictionary on my Kindle, so after I read to him in English I will follow it up later that night or the next day in Portuguese for myself. I expect that will help me build some vocabulary! (I live in Brazil now, in case this feels like a complete non sequitur to anybody reading).
You live in Brazil, Gris?! How did that happen? And omg hoe old is your kiddo now??
You live in Brazil, Gris?! How did that happen?
Consider my eyebrows also raised in surprise!
My wife and I are teaching at an American school here. Calvin is 6 now, will be 7 in December. My younger two are 4 and almost 2.
We are quite international!
How cool, Gris! And how nice to hear from you!
Hello, Gris!
So guys. It'll be months from now, but there's already a nice promo in Tor [link] : Angry Robot will publish Keren Landsman's Heart of the The Circle in English, which is such a wonderful book and I encourage you all to read it. Keren (who is a friend and a wonderful person) published a book before and a lot of short stories. The Heart of the Circle is probably her best fantasy writing. I can't wait for you to get the chance to read it.
well ... this is one way to drive book sales.
I'm trying to get back into reading so I check out some light fare from the library. Meg Cabot, whom I have never read, Big Boned. Which I read super fast. It was fine, predictable in many ways, but enjoyable.
Now I am reading Jenny Colgan - Sweetshop of Dreams. Not going nearly as fast as the Cabot, but I am enjoying it.