I will look those up. I am willing to broaden the classic definition because I have perused the list of classics and have read all the ones I have an interest in!
Eta. On the website of the publisher are the Sue Barton nurse books, which I loved [link]
Eta 2. The woman who wrote those books wrote my most memorable of the landmark biography series. Clara Barton, founder of the American red cross [link]
I am looking for recommendations for a children's classic (pre 1980).
Have you read all the E.E.s? Elizabeth Enright? Eleanor Estes? Edward Eager?
You might want to browse the NYRB Children's Classics reprints. Lots of cool stuff there.
Here are the 10-14 books: [link]
This is one I well remember reading as a kid: [link]
I've read the EEs (except Bret Easton Ellis), but that kitty book you linked seems perfect!
Enright! Enright! I bought her stuff for myself last year!
Now I want to go back and reread all of her Melendy books.
The Children of Green Knowe series by Lucy Boston?
I don't know if these are classic, but at a glance they are obscure! [link]
In other news, you know what I hate? When the blurb on the back of a book describes things that take place half way through it!
I am definitely going to check these out. So far I have read two true crime and one Oprah book club.
Amazon recommended a male/male pirate romance by someone named Kiera Andrews. I thought "a new one from her!She's good!". It was kindle unlimited so I signed up for the free trial. When I finished, I wanted to see if she had anything else new As I was looking through, I realized I had never read her before, and then I remembered that there was a Kiera Andrews way back when I was still track g her only and printing out fix who wrote 2 of my favorite Pacey/ Joey Dawson's Creek fics! they disappeared without a trace
Probably 15 years Ago! I wonder if It is the same person?
Sophia, you are thinking of Kate Andrews. I think she *might* be the same person who was svilleficrecs on LJ, whom I used to have on my Flist way back when I was active, but not 100% sure. She was great at writing some scorching UST if I recall.
Yes! that is right! I am so bad with names. I am glad it lead me to this romance author because she is good too. But I did love those fics and wish I saved the printouts!
I was hoping you would show up. I miss the days when I knew I would love anything you recommended.