So among the many things revealed at SDCC today is the fact that ELIZABETH FREAKING WEIN is writing a SW book:
Looks like a comic, or maybe an illustrated book. BUT! Holy cow.
Other writers also writing new SW material: KEN LIU. MIRA GRANT. SALADIN AHMED. DELILAH DAWSON.
I am agog.
Upside of having generations of kids raised on Star Wars.
Just finished Lisa See's
I The Teagirl of Hummingbird Lane.
It is really good.
I saw this and it struck me as something Jilli would enjoy - Strange Practice. What the author calls "sensible monsters."
I just saw that mentioned on Twitter, and it does look good, Todd!
I'm reading this now -- [link] -- and I love it completely. Exactly what's promised -- a historical YA romp through Europe.
Epic and Consuela - thanks for reccing The Thief etc. earlier in the year. I probably would not have started reading the series on my own as I kept getting it confused with The Queen's Poisoner and the descriptions I read were not all that intriguing, but I am so glad I did! What a well and deeply thought out world!
the descriptions I read were not all that intriguing
Same here, if my friend hadn't recced it, I doubt I would have read the first book or pursued the series.
How far in are you? The books just keep getting better!
I just finished Conspiracy of Kings and decided to go back and reread The Thief, I might just read all of them again before getting the 5th one.
I read The Thief some years ago, and bought the following three books on the basis of my reaction--they got shelved and somehow I never got through them. I'm starting a re-read, knowing that when I finish the series there's a whole community of 'Thief' fanfic on AO3. Nothing like reading security.
I didn't love The Thief, but I loved the books that followed.