Sounds interesting.
I have started reading
The Huntsmen
on the Storm and Ash website. It's a supernatural story set in Victorian England involving a family called the Graysons, who, alas, are not 19th century British acrobats but so far I am enjoying it. (There are six parts out now.)
Sorry -it's the Greysons not the Graysons.
People, The Strenge Case of the Alchemist's Daughter by Theodora Goss is awesome, and you should all go read it. Jilli, I think it's especially up your alley.
I definitely will need to read that.
Y'all, The Three-Body Problem series is so good! I don't even want to say anything about it other than that. Kinda reminds me of Olaf Stapledon.
I have the third one in my TBR pile!
Just finished it. Terrific!.
Oooh, I will add The Alchemist's Daughter to my Eventually To Be Read list!
It's not often that fiction makes me feel like I need a hot shower to scrub away the grime from reading it, but a friend of mine gave me a stack of 90s - 2000s small press horror and alterative fiction magazines for the next run of Eldergoth Surprise Boxes, and eeeugh. Half of them were full of bad "edgy" horror porn; the worst sort of examples of splatterpunk and writing to be shocking.
I know he bought them as research into markets that were buying short horror fiction, but they're just ... gross
People, The Strenge Case of the Alchemist's Daughter by Theodora Goss is awesome, and you should all go read it. Jilli, I think it's especially up your alley.
I blurbed The Alchemist's Daughter! It's so so good you guys. Seconding everything Pix said
Also (coming soon - very much of interest here) VIvian Shaw's Strange Practice - Dr. Greta vanHelsing, physician to monsters [link]
(also news of big old ebook sale for yours truly up in News)
I am reading Strange Practice from netgalley and it is so much fun. Coming out in July I think.
Went to the library: they had the sequel to The Rook. The Rook was shelved in the science fiction/fantasy section. Stiletto was shelved in regular fiction. What is up with that?