The Chicago Tribune actually has an intermittent feature called "Potter Watch." The latest update (registration required) has a tidbit from the American publisher who's read the book and says it's "a very, very emotional book" and that he sobbed when reading it.
They also go into some of the speculation about the cover art that we've gone through here, as well as a question from an HP fan who wonders how to handle a wedding and the book release on the same day (the paper's etiquette advisor, and fellow HP fan, uses Harry's integrity as an example of how to postpone book gratification to attend the wedding and reception).
I just finished the new Kim Harrison book last night, and really liked it. And unlike Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison
kills off secondary characters the main character is in a relationship with! Not to mention one of the main Big Bads.
I was very surprised. Pleased, but surprised.
the American publisher who's read the book and says it's "a very, very emotional book" and that he sobbed when reading it.
HBP made me cry, when Snape killed Dumbledore.
HBP made me cry, when Snape killed Dumbledore
I was pretty good until Fawkes sang at the funeral. Then I lost it.
Sobbing mess, I was.
That's how Joe knew what happened.
I cried multiple times. Fawkes bit killed me dead.
I just finished "Fledgling" by Octavia E. Butler. Fun! Anthropological vampire book. Bit creepy at points, with the sexualization of the main character (who happens to be a vampire that looks like an 11-year-old girl. Um.) but generally a neat read.
I like the Harry Potter books, but they don't really push my emotional buttons.
Maybe I'm callous and strange.
I sobbed at the end of HBP. I can't imagine what The Deathly Hallows is going to do to me.
No, callous and strange is even asking whether you should attend a wedding on the day of the new HP release. The HP will be there the next day, the wedding won't.