Why doesn't the LibraryThing Buffista group page update? It's been at 5402 books for a couple days, I swear.
I don't know but it's driving me batshit.
If you go to the "add books" page, you just have to put in the title or other key words and it'll search for you. Easy.
My company is having a charity used book sale in April, in which everyone brings in books from home to donate, and then a few weeks later, they take all of them and sell them back to us and give the money raised to charity--they did the same with movies and music last year, and raised $750!
Well, I'm thinking about offering my bookstore/library skills to organize the donations sometime in that two week period so they're boxed by subject or by helping to display them before the sale. Of course, I'm not being totally altruistic here--I'm hoping to get first dibs on the books!! I'll have some additions to my LibraryThing catalog then.
I'm not worrying too much whether I'm showing the right edition or not
I'm hoping I won't worry too much about if I'm showing the right editions or not. Considering I have multiple (but different!) versions of certain books by Neil Gaiman, Ray Bradbury, and Tanith Lee, I think worrying about that sort of thing is a quick ticket to Crazy(ier) Land.
you just have to put in the title or other key words and it'll search for you
I'm a correct edition worrier, so I've been typing in ISBNs the whole way through. And even then, some of the details/covers were off. May correct later.
ita is me. Typing in an ISBN and it finding the right book is still so satisfying! I've only stumped it once (out of, say, 30 books so far), but since the book is in Greek that's forgivable.
You realize, of course, that all of this is just a gateway into people psycho-analyzing us--because of course *I* would never dream of studying everyone's catalogues and pondering what it reveals about them, along with their cataloging practices.
(And I keep having arguments with myself about avoiding the really trashy books and misrepresenting myself. Then I found out how many other people have "Fanny Hill" et al.)
Then I found out how many other people have "Fanny Hill"
I not only have a copy, I read it for genuine academic purposes. (History class -- paper on the court battles over pornography during the '60s.)
I have tagged books belonging to my husband that I wouldn't own if I hadn't married him "Husband's". I have NOT specially tagged books belonging to my husband that I might have acquired if I had not married him, or at least which don't embarrass me to own.
Just in case you were wondering.
All my husband has--that I know of :)--are various military-themed SF/Fantasy books. The smut is mine. And I can't claim I have Fanny in the house for her historical relevance.
I may adopt Flea's practice of labelling Mrs. Industries' books as such.