Has anyone read Bujold's The Sharing Knife yet?
I'm sorry to say that I didn't like it that much. Not that I disliked it, exactly, it was just unsubstantial and not very original. I think that what I most missed in comparison to her other books was energy - there was a certain placidity to it, even during action.
I didn't like The Hallowed Hunt much either, which makes me nervous.
And she's going to write a new Vorkosigan novel!!!
FINALLY! I will get drunk right now celebrating this. Ehh, It's late, I'll celebrate tomorrow.
Yay, new Vorkosigan! Is it the long-awaited Ivan novel? Because Ivan totally needs a book to himself, in which he gets swept off his feet by
me some Galactic hottie.
I did read Sharing Knife--I was a little annoyed by the ending, cause it was very "OK, and now on to the next book!" and didn't feel particularily wrapped up, if you will. But I enjoyed it, a little more than the Hallowed Hunt ones, I think, though it felt...lighter? more fluffy (though the subject matter wasn't, especially)?
Haven't read the new Elliot--can anyone say, is it more like her Jaran books, or more like her other series? Cause I tried to get into the other one, and just couldn't.
I haven't read either (yet).
I loved the first book of the Crown of Stars series - - but the rest didn't quite live up to it. (I'm not done yet.) I think I liked the dogs. . .
I need to reread the Jaran series. It's been forever.
I loved the first book of the Crown of Stars series
I read several volumes of that series but stopped when the guy who had the power over the dogs had too many bad things happen to him for my taste.
I loved the theory of the division of government and religion by gender, though.
Anyone hear reading the Wheel of Time series? I used to be getting it from the library, but I don't remember where I stopped (and synopses don't help).
Is it done? What happened?
Oh, absolutely not. Too many words. Too much braid-pulling and genders not able to have actual conversations with the other.
That is to say, I know people who were enjoying it back in the day, not shamefully hooked like myself. I just couldn't recommend it in good conscience.
I just couldn't recommend it in good conscience.
I tried to get into it a couple of times, but I seem to have lost my taste for fantasies that require cheat sheets to keep track of things.