Just finished Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler. It was my first Butler novel and I enjoyed it quite a bit. In the beginning, I must admit,
it took me a little while to get past the squick of an 11 yr old female (in appearance, anyway) having sex with a grown man
Once I moved past that, the story kept a nice flow and now I'm thinking of getting another Butler novel. Will need to check bank account when I get home and see what I can afford.
Connie, if you're around, did you see last night's Daily Show? Jon interviewed the author of Misquoting Jesus, and it was obvious that he was really fascinated by the book--it was one of the more serious and informative interviews I've seen on TDS. Problem is that now I want to read the book, and I have neither the time nor the money for it!
No, I didn't see that! Fiddle.
If you do think you've got time to read it, I can lend you my copy.
Thanks, I might just be contacting you after I move next month!
Nicole, libraries tend to have OEB books. Or I could just lend you some of mine when you are in SF in May (hooray!)
Thank you, Katie!!! Libraries and I are unmixy. I have the tendency to do fine the first few visits and then BAM! suddenly I'm that girl that never quite makes it back to the library to return the books. (I'm good about mailing back loaned books, however.)
and then BAM! suddenly I'm that girl that never quite makes it back to the library to return the books.
This is, of course, one of the defining Buffista traits. Shocking to me, but it's fairly widespread.
I have never ever ever in my life owned a liberry card.
you need one now, Aimee. It is the best way to keep a baby in books.
True fact. And then they go away, and you don't have to read them a brazillion times. Well, until she wants to get it again.
I would never have survived childhood without the library. My mother also might not have survived my childhood.
However, I'm another one that does great for a few times, and then suddenly I"ve got five books that were due three weeks ago....
These days, I rely on Barnes and Noble, and the occasional used-bookstore binge. And the internet. Because I read a lot of internet. And without it, I'd need a lot more books...