(Jilli, if you're around, you must never, never read this book, as you would probably find it upsetting in ways you didn't even know were possible.)
So what you're saying is that I should let Pete read it first when the copy we ordered finally turns up? Okay.
I don't know how attached you are to the source materials as childhood stories, but I think there are things happening to Wendy Darling in this book that you would not like.
[I would, however, highly recommend watching Pete while he reads book 3, as I imagine his facial expressions will be quite entertaining.]
For any of you who are enjoying "His Majesty's Dragon," this is very interesting news.
I don't know how attached you are to the source materials as childhood stories,
Not as attached as people might suspect. I'm okay with
stories being subverted. I just don't want to know if Winnie the Pooh porn exists.
but I think there are things happening to Wendy Darling in this book that you would not like.
Hmm. I think I'll stick with the plan of making Pete read the book first.
[I would, however, highly recommend watching Pete while he reads book 3, as I imagine his facial expressions will be quite entertaining.]
Bwah! Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
I already know that I won't be able to cope at all with
Lost Girls,
which makes me sad because I so much love Alan Moore. And I've read enough interviews with him and reviews of the book that I understand intellectually what he and his coauthor/artist are doing and why, I respect it enormously, and I'll defend it ferociously, but I still know there's absolutely no way I personally can read it.
WHY? What other books of hers do you all recommend?
Everything! I find her consistently wonderful. You should probably start with Castle in the Air, the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle.
Other favourites of mine are Darklord of Derkholm and Power of Three. I also recommend all the Chrestomanci books (there's a new one coming out in October!)
I didn't even know that there was a sequel to
Howl's Moving Castle!!
Ooh, new Chrestomanci book!!!
Ooh, new Chrestomanci book!!!
Yes, I'm very excited! I didn't think to link to it in my previous post, so here it is.
That makes, what, six Books, and seven short stories in the Chrestomanci universe(s)?