Continuing whine about Cipro: in addition to the barfyness, it's giving me horrible heartburn. And what is specifically contraindicated with Cipro? Goddamn Tums, that's what. Because it reduces the amount of Cipro that makes it into your system.
Irony: take twice daily and call me in the morning.
Actually, I called the Dr.'s office to tell her that my GI system doesn't seem to like the Cipro and could she please call a new Rx into the pharmacy. So I might as well take the goddamn Tums.
Have I mentioned I'm glad you moved? Because, man, I so am.
You and me both, darling. You and me both.
Continuing whine about Cipro: in addition to the barfyness, it's giving me horrible heartburn. And what is specifically contraindicated with Cipro? Goddamn Tums, that's what.
Would Tagamet or similar be helpful?
Jilli!! Emeline has a new trick. If you beep her nose three times and say, "Beep beep beep!", she does the same back to you!
Continuing whine about Cipro: in addition to the barfyness, it's giving me horrible heartburn. And what is specifically contraindicated with Cipro? Goddamn Tums, that's what.
Would Tagamet or similar be helpful?
I was thinking about that last night, and if I weren't going to stop the Cipro, I'd go buy some Pepcid. But I'm going to stop the Cipro before my stomach leaps out of my body and runs far away.
juliana, I'm glad you moved.
The Night of the Barfing Toddler turned into the Day of the Barfing Toddler ten minutes after my last post. Apparently DH gave him MILK this morning while I was catching a 45 minute nap. Owen barfed it all up down my back.
I'm sick of this shit.
Called the pediatrician. Apparently, the virus can last anywhere from 24 hours to 4 or 5 DAYS. And they're not seeing anyone who isn't running a fever for less than four days.
I'm praying Olivia doesn't get sick, too.
Oh Cash {{{{}}}}. Here's hoping it goes away by tonight! Do you have any PediaLyte in the house? Em loved the grape stuff.
Christopher's picking some up while he's out at his doctor's appointment (checkup).
I'm just worn out. There isn't a spot in the house that hasn't been puked on.
{{{{}}}} This is when a canister wet-vac would be great. Or that one that I see on TV.