Hey, Bitches! So, I've had an interesting day. Got a call from Nordstrom's while I was cleaning house. At home. In my pajamas. Seems I was in the store trying to buy 2 watches for a total of $3400-plus and they just wanted to verify that it was me. Who was home. In my pajamas. ACK!
So, they scooted me off the phone because the woman was still in the store and they just wanted my assurance that I would prosecute. Oh hells yes, I will prosecute.
About 30 minutes later, I got a call from Nordie's telling me to expect a call from the Chicago Police.
About 30 minutes after that, I got a call from Officer Montoya. They arrested the chick. She was trying to access my Nordie's account using my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!!! Great. Seems she also had several other receipts on her. And, an ID with all my information and her picture. Even greater.
I have filed fraud alerts with all the credit reporting agencies. I will file with the FTC after I get the police report. I have checked all my credit cards (no new charges). I have checked my credit report online with Experian (no accounts or charges that don't really belong to me...thus far).
So, the court date is April 24. I probably won't have to go, but another detective is supposed to call me later today.
Michelle, the cashier at Nordie's who thought the charges were suspicious and alerted their fraud people, is my very favoritist person today. I love her.