Morning, Bitches! I'm finally mailing my Bitch Blanket today. It's about time. Other than that, it should be a quiet day and weekend, too. We had a woman ask about seeing the house tomorrow, but I haven't heard back from her.
Ellie and I had a great time at my parent's house. We did nothing (truly) but it was fun to just hang out and not be soley responsible for a small human all the time. And, since I haven't done this in a while, here's a picture of Ellie with balloons my mom got her for Valentine's Day. [link]
Stephanie, she is getting BIG! Oh my goodness!
Excellent pictures this moorning!
Steph beat me at anibiotic suckiness. The biotic balance in my GI system is currently somewhat OK, but still sketchy.
I am eating a crap load of yogurt though. I had 4 servings of yogurt yesterday. Hooray for calcium at least.
Goodness, Ellie looks so happy and energetic!
Much GI~ma to those who need it.
What great eyes! And great smile! And the blanket over the back of the couch made me homesick.
My world is sepia-toned. It's the spring winds from Libya, and they are howling through Athens and carrying yellow dust - what seems like half of Libya is in the air here.
I don't have any way to keep Mal from being sandblasted, so we're staying inside, in the dim sepia light, watching the wind play merry hell with the trees and clouds. All the trash was blown away last night; some of it has fetched up, with my patio chairs, in the corner of my porch.
And I'm in a mood. I don't know if it's the wind, or moon phase, or the feeling that we should be preparing to move in a couple months (stupid every-two-years-switch-countries clock), but I am not gruntled.
Ah, still barfy this morning. Though I didn't, actually, barf this morning. Yet. I feel it may be imminent.
I'm going to be fabulous company for SA this weekend, I tell you what.
Ellie is ginormous! SO CUTE!
Was woken up with baby kisses on my face. She must be trying to say "Sorry I cried and tossed and turned and kept you up most of the night - even when you put me in your bed, mommy. See how cute I am?"
Pfft. Steph, I neglected to tell you I'm bringing
Which you then have the mission of distracting me from.
ps you never answered my last email, yo.
Pfft. Steph, I neglected to tell you I'm bringing homework.
Which you then have the mission of distracting me from.
The sound of my barfing should be a good distraction.
ps you never answered my last email, yo.
Hmm. I didn't, did I? I thought I addressed everything -- in a roundabout way -- herein. Will go re-read e-mail.