There's a big Disney themed billboard near my house with a kid and the Fairy Godmother and the slogan "The Magic Number is 4' 9" " which is how tall a kid needs to be to not use some kind of booster seat. I was talking to my cousin (the pedetrician) about it this weekend and he said that he's going to make his kids wear seatbelts well over the limit, he explained that seatbelts sit about kids' hips and over their spleen and liver.
So then, there was a brief period when I was 16 when I was old enough to drive but not tall enough to sit in a car without a booster seat. Weird.
I don't always feel totally safe in a seat belt -- the way it digs into my neck bothers me. I don't know if there are really any good solutions, though -- I've seen various gadgets to modify the seatbelt for short people, but I don't know how safe any of them are.
You age out of the booster seat rules in Florida at some point, I'm not sure when, I think 5 or 6 years old. I At one point some male legislator tried to change the law so that there was a minimum height/weight requirement for riding in the front seat and no age-out. But that was shot down.
Is it supposed to be possible to get Seasonal Affective Disorder in spring?
Spring is always a tough time for me, mood wise. Too much transition, or something. I like winter.
I normally like it, but right now I feel very soggy and miss the sun.
I always feel a little extra depressed at the beginning of Spring because my allergies start kicking in harder making me tired and tired leads to depression for me.
I have returned from a veritable spree! Behold, my new camera! [link]
Spring is normally my favorite season. I'd say it's quiet possible to have SADD given the kind of "spring" we've had in the Bay Area so far.
normally, the weather doesn't make a big deal of difference to me. this year - it is dragging me down. However, DH and I went out for dinner - for the first time in awhile - to a sushi place. The first time I had sushi, I noticed a huge uplift in my mood. I noticed it tonight too.
normally, the weather doesn't make a big deal of difference to me. this year - it is dragging me down. However, DH and I went out for dinner - for the first time in awhile - to a sushi place. The first time I had sushi, I noticed a huge uplift in my mood. I noticed it tonight too.
Must've been a chemical defishiency.