I got no tax advice, but I do have this: When Jake had the anti-drug education in fourth grade, he came hom and told me "caffeine is a gateway drug".
Apparently, coffee is to blame for everything. I wish my tea got me high most days, let me tell you.
So, um, Emily sounded like she had a really bad day. I was thinking I'd make a big pot of chili, which is one of her favorites.
She'll get home around 7. I'm supposed to be at knitting and crocheting at 7pm. She's probably gonna need to vent. I can't decide if I should go or not.
Do you want to go to your knitting group? If so, go. Emily can vent when you get home.
Yeah. But, she's been here so much for me; I want to be there for her.
And you will be. After your knitting group.
For billytea: naked mole rats.
They're taking over, I tell you!
Owen is playing with the resin animals I got him when we went to the zoo this morning. He's also got two new words, "bonobo" and "okapi".
Oh, wow. So this is what great parenting looks like.
This makes me laugh because that's exactly how I was as a kid. I think my mother often feared that she'd created a monster.
Hee. When I was a kid I was very helpful. When I got into astrology I started advising my parents' friends on whether the stars said their marriage would last. (I was very sympathetic with the ones in trouble, of course.) Oh, and one time I got hold of a women's magazine and offered my mother and her friends advice on how to deal with any menstrual problems.
But to a first grader, since they're both smoking materials, they must both make mommy high, and "crazy".
He was probably relieved to believe he'd identified an external cause for it.
I really, really don't think so.
Thanks, Gud.
That's a big NO.
Great, Cashmere. Did you learn this the hard way?
I think we have to call Block about something else anyhow, so we'll probably double check with them. I'd rather amend than get audited 5 years from now, and owe 5 years of interest on what would be a reasonable amount, right now.
We'll be calling because Scott's job is moving out of state soon (still in "driving" distance, provided gassing up the car doesn't send us to bankruptcy court) and the state it's going to has no state income tax. We're nearly certain that means we will be exempt from MA State Income tax, for the time he works there (as was the tax preparer we saw last weekend) but he's hearing conflicting things from some guys at work.
He was probably relieved to believe he'd identified an external cause for it.
Cheeky. I wasn't the kind of crazy he was looking to explain back then, because I only had the one child in school. Of course maybe he can now apply it retroactively.
When I was a kid I was very helpful. When I got into astrology I started advising my parents' friends on whether the stars said their marriage would last. (I was very sympathetic with the ones in trouble, of course.) Oh, and one time I got hold of a women's magazine and offered my mother and her friends advice on how to deal with any menstrual problems.
I amend my 'cheeky' judg(e)ment to Adorable.
We'll be calling because Scott's job is moving out of state soon (still in "driving" distance, provided gassing up the car doesn't send us to bankruptcy court) and the state it's going to has no state income tax. We're nearly certain that means we will be exempt from MA State Income tax, for the time he works there (as was the tax preparer we saw last weekend) but he's hearing conflicting things from some guys at work.
Hate to say it, but I'd be very surprised if that was the case. My mom, among others, lived in one state and worked in another for years (and much of my company works in multiple states, often not including their own) and I've always seen it based on state of residence. My mom used to bitch about it a lot, actually, because the taxes in the home state were significantly higher than the state she worked in. (Wisconsin v. Illinois, ftr.)
My experience is brenda's. Being in Chicago, we have employees who live in Indiana and pay Indiana income tax.
Also, my sister lives in Mississippi but worked in Tennessee. She paid Mississippi income tax.