I've never been to Massachusettes, but I would far rather live in Salem than Sommerville
But of course.
Just heard from some forever-friends. They are quitting the Service and moving to Portland. No jobs lined up, nothing, but it's a done deal. Both their families are there, so it's not quite as scary as I tend to think, but man.
I'm an adrenaline-junkie in some ways, but buying a house while not having a job? No.
buying a house while not having a job?
Yeah, that's ballsy. The stress would kill me before I could even find a job.
Who wants to cover me while I go over there and resue that baby from a life of ridiculous parenting that borders on dangerous?
{{{vw}}} Sometimes we just need the release of crying.
I have tried to explain to Teacup guy 3 times now why the gas bill has to officially be in our name on the 15th when our agreement starts and not on the 20th like he wants to do. He still doesn't get it. He is a very smart man, but he hasn't moved in forever and he just doesn't get it.
Who wants to cover me while I go over there and resue that baby from a life of ridiculous parenting that borders on dangerous?
I've got your back.
I've never been to Massachusettes, but I would far rather live in Salem than Sommerville
Empress, when WILL you come to Massachusetts?!?? However could we tempt you out here?
Also, Brittany: Dang. She is sort of pretty horrifying, lifestyle-choice wise.
Empress, when WILL you come to Massachusetts?!?? However could we tempt you out here?
Well. Next year is the East Coast's turn for the F2F. Personally, I would LOVE it to be in Boston.
Aimée, I will, as long as I get equal time with the rescuee, as that is one seriously cute baby despite his dubious parentage.
Not that I wouldn't also help you rescue an ugly baby with rotten parents; I just might not be available to babysit quite so often afterwards.
(Which is total bullshit, because I've babysat ugly babies before, and all that happens is that after an hour in their company I decide they are beautiful after all and that I was just too stupid to see it before.)
Also, vw, call me if you need distraction from your mood. I've got a month's worth of Savage Love columns under my desk I could read to you, or
The Counterpane Fairy,
or I could just make something up about the doggies with tiaras who rule the Land Of Perfect Health Care and Clean Kitchen Sinks and keep rambling until I hear you snicker.
I have tried to explain to Teacup guy 3 times now why the gas bill has to officially be in our name on the 15th when our agreement starts and not on the 20th like he wants to do.
Why's he resisting? It's five days.