I've talked on the cell in the bathroom once...to MUCH mocking from my mom and SIL. We were in NH at a concert my brother was in. I had dropped Emily off nearby to help a friend move. Well, during the concert, Emily had made a trip to the new house in Vermont. And they ended up just staying there. They were out in the middle of nowhere, and her cell phone didn't work. As a matter of fact, only one cell phone, from everyone there, worked...and only if you stood on this box and stretched yourself to the sky.
So, Emily was trying to explain this to me as I was sitting on the toilet and my mom and SIL laughed and laughed.
So, I TRY not to judge people who are on the cell phone in the bathroom. But, it's hard.
Huh...have nothing to offer about that, but the Insomnia Fairy stopped by my house and let me find out Nick at Nite is starting a Mad About You marathon tonight. Which made me happy, but probably not as much as you.ETA: I think about them every time somebody bores me and I play with my hair. Because Jamie and I have the same tell. Also every time I read "Estes Kefauver"(Not that he comes up often, but still.)
I hate the cell phone culture and the fact that I am expected to be within phone reach of everyone and anyone. I keep my cell phone off unless I am expecting calls, or meeting up with people. I hate the phone. I am totally grumpy regarding this. (and in many other aspects)
Christopher? Is that you????
Heh. I was going to post, "Is that me?"
I've had trouble with my anti-cell attitude, because the kids are in school. At first, I didn't put my cell phone number on the emergency contact cards, because I don't turn it on, and I know most people around here seem to be cell phone lovers. I can have a voice mail for months, and not know it.
I finally gave the number to the school last year, and at least twice, they've tried to call me (for non-emergencies, thankfully) didn't get an answer at home, but so they left their message on the cell phone voice mail. The emergency card really is a card, not a place to write up an explanation of which number is best to reach me at.
Now I try to remember to turn it on if I'm going anywhere, just in case, but mostly, I hate it.
We have a phone in our car. It came with the car as part of the On-Star contraption, and X calling minutes came with it, as well. The phone is all voice-commands and hands free.
A few afternoons, when I've arrived at the school early, I've called dh, just to kill time. One day, it dawned on me that it looked like I was just sitting in my car, having animated conversations, all by myself. So now, what do I do? I still call him on the handsfree car phone, but I hold my regular cell phone up to my ear, in case someone is walking by.
t /dork
Christopher? Is that you????
Possibly, but I think it's me as well.
Christopher? Is that you????
Heh. I was going to post, "Is that me?"
I hold my regular cell phone up to my ear, in case someone is walking by.
You are a dork, no offense intended. I think with the teeny bluetooth headsets these days, it's getting more and more common to see people who look like they're talking to themselves.
I wouldn't sweat it.
You are a dork, no offense intended.
None taken. When I do this, dh will ask me at least once, during every conversation if I'm pretending to talk into the handheld, while calling on the handsfree. And then we mock.
I think with the teeny bluetooth headsets these days, it's getting more and more common to see people who look like they're talking to themselves.
I wouldn't sweat it.
The other moms don't seem that technology sophisticated, yet. You lose touch with that stuff when you're out of work for a while, and it all seems so amazing--the stuff of Sci-Fi. When Scott brought home his new Blackberry, it took everything in me to keep from turning into Gollum and running away with it.
One day, it dawned on me that it looked like I was just sitting in my car, having animated conversations, all by myself.
I frequently see people walking down the street or in stores having animated conversations by themselves, including hand gestures. It's getting much harder to spot the people who just hear voices in their heads.
I think with the teeny bluetooth headsets these days, it's getting more and more common to see people who look like they're talking to themselves.
Yes, I love to play the game "Headset or crazy person?" when I'm walking around the city. Though I realize the two aren't mutually exclusive...
One day, it dawned on me that it looked like I was just sitting in my car, having animated conversations, all by myself.
I have animated conversations with myself walking down the street all the time. I should get a bluetooth headset, just to look more sane. (I don't have a bluetooth phone, but nobody else has to know that...)
I am so out of it with regards to cell phone technology that my phone is still in black and white and I turned off the text and webservice, and when someone asked me if the loaner cars at work were bluetooth compatible, I looked dead at him and said, "That sounded like english, but I have no idea what you are talking about."
I then got a quick education on bluetooth technology and I still have no fucking clue what it does. It's voodoo, I'm convinced.