You need him to cut a song called, "Remember your favorite niece Nicole--fondly--in your will."
Yeah, that's already taken care of. As long as I stick around to take care of her when she gets too old to take care of herself, I get it all when she passes. Which might actually be worth it if she were rich. I guess love is going to have to be enough of a reason.
Pretty and warm fire going. I think I sleep now for a bit.
Sleep~ma, Cass.
We had a little crazy dance party with all us girls, and my bod is a little stiff and sore from shaking my ass with more abandon than usual.
Welcome back, Erin. Sounds like you had a great time!
Pics from the Dressed To Kilt fashion show.
Oh, Nicole! That first picture is just priceless!
There was just a dog barking on TV. Toto went nuts and ran to the window and started barking. It was kinda cute.
Take a gander of the movie on this page of a cat being vacuumed.
She seems to handle it pretty well, doesn't she?
My dad used to take the dustbuster to the cats - they loved it.
My shoulder is frelled again.
This is not cool.
Oh, Suzi. I'm so sorry! You poor thing. You need a break.
Just got another call for Mr. [Emily's Last Name]. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL THEM SHE'S NOT MARRIED! Good grief.
Laundry is in the dryer. Hang up stuff is hung up. Grocery list is made. I am pooped. But also kind of antsy. Maybe it's time to pull out a new crochet project.
I enjoy when people ask for Mrs. [Tom'sLastName]. Or, Mr. [MyLastName] Nope, not here! I never answer the phone though.
Well, it's tricky, 'cause some of these are coming up as "Unknown Caller," which all calls from the hospital come up that way. And, since I get lots of calls from the hospital, I don't want to miss those. So, I answer. But, boy does it make me annoyed.
I do the same whenever anyone asks for Mrs. Pete.
Usually they'll then ask for Mr. Pete, not knowing that they've already lost the sale.