did you read Batman #650? -- and say "You chose to *not kill* the person who tortured me nearly to death -- how could you do that, Batman Angel?"
You mean the one where Jason Cries? Which I first typed as, The One Where Jason Crais, which, umm... really really really makes me want to watch Farscape, but does not mean I want Jason to at some point go out in a blaze of redemptive glory.
I totally agree WRT Dent.
vw, dude, don't switch off the universe!
Why not? It's been evil lately.
I'm with vw on this.
t hands remote to bug
Maybe something with a happy ending?
did you read Batman #650? -- and say "You chose to *not kill* the person who tortured me nearly to death -- how could you do that, Batman Angel?"
You mean the one where Jason Cries?
Heh. The one that ends with every. single. iteration. of Batman EVAR screaming Jason's name? Yeppers.
::points up::
It's true, and why you love me, to boot. Oh, and it's 6:49. I think it's time you had some cake, AmyLiz.
Now there's an idea I can get behind.
I spent 45 minutes coloring my hair today and it looks like nothing happened. It's maybe marginally lighter. I think I need to be a little bolder with my choice of shades.
Is Not!Emily home?
Actually, no. Damn.
And when Emily wanted to know why I was laughing so, I read her the posts. Only, she heard it as "Is not Emily home?" to which she got very sad.
I could never kill my Emily.
Oh, my dear Emily. I didn't not say, "Is not Emily home?" I said, "Is Not!Emily home." vw must have been reading it with the incorrect emphasis. It should be said, NAW-tem-ah-lee.