I had a dream the other night that I had disappeared for 8 years. Just up and went missing and then showed back up at my apartment (that was in a hotel that also had a "Brothers of Notre Dame" cathedral in it) like I was just coming home from work - in my dream, I had no idea I had been missing.
Sounds like you were one of The 4400...
Connie, if you want the gun, it doesn't matter who you'll be assumed to be affiliated with. It's entirely on you, and what you want to do with it. If that doesn't weigh on your conscience any, buy it.
{{{Spidra}}} Much ~ma to your dad.
Laura, I am sorry you had to cancel your trip. That sucks.
I almost feel like doing something. this is way better than the last few days. Not sure I am going to do somethign, but that's different.
Oh, man, I'm sorry Laura, mostly because you had to cancel your trip, but also because I somehow missed that post earlier.
I hope the rest of the weekend goes better for you.
Now here's someone who can photoshop...
Guess the Movie...
20 pages of edited shots from well-known movies...
I'm sorry you had to miss your trip, Laura. Does this mean you now have money to go to F2F (she said hopefully)?
I am having an interesting moral crisis: I am buying a handgun.
:remembers the educational story of Connie And the Spider And the Handgun and thinks it would not be a good thing to be somebody walking along her sidewalk during an arachnid invasion unless her walls are plate steel::
Still, I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.
Anyone around who's a crack hand with photoediting? I have a pic I want to use for an icon, but there are some weird lighting and shadow issues that I'm hoping someone not me can clean up.
I have some abilities, I'm willing to give it a shot until someone better at it steps up. Send the pic to dcjensen at gmail dot com.