Olivia had her tests late this afternoon and it all turned out ok. Christopher took her because I didn't think I could face holding her down for the x-rays.
Her anatomy is completely normal, which means her noisy breathing is something she'll outgrow, eventually. It's a relief and she's none the worse for wear.
Whew -- glad to hear that all is well with Olivia.
Cashmere, that is wonderful news. What a relief!
Good news Cashmere! I say you blame the noisy snoring and such on Christopher's genes.
Her anatomy is completely normal, which means her noisy breathing is something she'll outgrow, eventually. It's a relief and she's none the worse for wear.
Wonderful news, Cash! I am so glad Olivia has had the test, gotten through it just fine and that there is nothing wrong with her at all.
We'll just call her Snuffles.
Cash, that is terrific news! Hee Snuffles...
Cash, glad to hear Oivia is a normal baby; worrying the folks over nothing that needs to be worried about. It doesn't seem to matter how many kids you have, there is always something to worry about.
Looks at Olvia sternly.
That's enough out of you, young'un.
Today was much longer than it was supposed to be.
Aren't there rules about that?