I can't afford to mope and cry as much as I have been. There is packing and moving to do.
You may not be able to afford to but it's going to happen anyway, so you might as well give yourself permission. Then you won't beat yourself for being upset on top of being upset.
Dave is wonderful, and I am so grateful I have him right now, but going to craft shows, Target runs, and going to coffee shops to gossip are not his thing.
No, but you'll start new traditions with him. I know it's hard to see how things are going to change so much and still be acceptable but they will. Give yourself time to see that.
Aimee! New tattoo! Right on! Welcome back to you and KristinT!
It's spring! Hair is off my neck! I look hella cute!
Yay Nora!
I can't stop browsing eBay this week. Nothing is going on at the office, and I'm SO BORED.
Browsing = good. Saving searches and eventually buying tons of stuff = bad. Not that I'd know anything about that. Nope...
Kristin! Aimee! Yay!!
This is almost becoming a bacon-needing day for me, because I feel a powerful urge to slap a few people upside the head. We almost lost a live $50,000 check. People! When delivering such things, please to make sure that it gets in someone's hands! Don't just drop it off on their desk!
t boggles at juliana's cow-irkers
I'm not browsing e-bay, but I've definitely spent more time online today than I usually do at work. It's Friday, everyone else left at 10. What can I say?
If someone wants to drop a $50,000 check on my desk, I truly wouldn't mind. At all.
Trudy, how about flowers and a really nice vase?
AGH! ROMANTIC!!!!!!! (lovely idea, actually, but we want him sending flowers to
Trudy-- have your friend go to the MOMA gift shop and buy her a cool thing there. If he LIKE likes her, it could be earrings or something wearable. If she's a friend, a picture frame or a cool desk toy or artsy mug.
I love that place and had completely forgotten it as one of my favorite 'holy cow, what am I going to get' places -- but it better be a picture frame
Em swam in the pool at TI lots and lots and got a little sunburn yesterday.
juliana, you're reminding me of a philosophy that a funny co-worker is developing regarding Fridays being "stupid ass" day Since we're supposed to take people's general stupid-assery the other days of the week, on Fridays, if people bother us with stupidity, we're allowed to tell them to "shut up stupid ass!"
This has actually not occured, but the ever-developing philosophical nuances are extremely amusing.
"Hey, you! Stupid Ass! Don't drop live checks and walk away!"
Oh, that's what I forgot!
Welcome home, Aimee and Kristin! Sounds like your vacations were exciting and/or profitable (that's a very. good. thing.) I love the sound of your new tattoo, Aimee. It works in more than one way.
Welcome back, Aimee and Kristin! I'm glad you both had good trips.
oof, looks like I got home just in time, it's rainy now (it was super windy when I was walking home)
So sleepy!
I probably shouldn't fall asleep outside on a bench, huh. Drew is in a meeting and I'm waiting for him. So tired and so bored.