We need to get you and Barry Bonds in a room together and tape the whole thing for a 'roid rage snit-fit. Then we can do Nutty v. cheetah in the next squash court over, and bundle the whole thing as a Fox special.
I can see it now! The execs will go nuts over it! Coming up next, there's be thrills, spills and chills on
When Buffistas Listen to Hec!
Coming up next, there's be thrills, spills and chills on When Buffistas Listen to Hec!
Hmmm, that seems kind of unlikely when you put it that way. But I'm pretty sure I could provide the overnights the execs are looking for. Fear factor? Pffft. Nutty v. Cheetah 2006!
Shit. Thought I was having a quiet night to myself. Not!Emily and his girlfriend just got home. I supposed I should go do dishes and trash.
Ooh, that's a total bummer. Makes one want to kick things loudly and talk to oneself about how utterly BITCHY and foul one feels...and leave the "NOW PLAYING" list prominently on the toilet.
I can't wait till Em and I get our own place. Things might not always be perfect between us, but really are there any two people that live together and ALWAYS get long?
But, for now, Not!Emily is off my shit list. They were just getting some stuff so he could spend the night at his GF's place.
Dipping into the BRQG, and here is Madrigal being sadly prophetic:
Well, I loved the Faith eps because they hurt Wesley. In fact, it seems like every season they have to give him some serious injury. In S1 he was tortured by Faith, in S2, he was shot, and now in S3, he's had his throat cut. The way they're going, by the last season he'll just be a snarky researching head in a jar.
And of course, that means in the next to last episode, Tim will have the jar smashed.
I have Mango Sorbet at home... Maybe I can bring it on Saturday.
Mmmmm Mango.
Am home. Took 3 sticks to get IV going this time. Grrrrr. I am not a pin cushion. I am not a pin cushion. I am not a pin cushion.
Just found out DH has to work Saturday while we move mom downstairs. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I have a feeling it will keep me from getting upset with him, so I'm leaning toward good.
Happy Birthday, AmyLiz!
Yay for being Home Sweet Home, Deena!
Um, another long day. Blah. Gonna watch taped stuff now.
George's mom updated his website. TOO MANY CUTE GEORGE PICTURES. I'm ded from the cuteness. And, it's a good thing Emily's really drunk, 'cause she doesn't mind me showing her my favorites (maybe all but one of the new pictures). I'm hopeless.