I moved CJ's computer upstairs, got it all hooked up while he worked on bringing up his books and movies.
Then I realized the surge protector is three pronged and the plugs upstairs are two pronged. Well, there is the 220 outlet up there too. Don't ask.
In Akumal, though.
Mmmmmmm, Akumal. Sadly, nobody seems to be offering last-minute-package-deals to there.
Word of the day: pricksong. "Music pricked, or noted down, full of flourish and variety."
Today is the birthday of Thomas Hobbes! In my country, anyway. Americans are still stuck on my older brother's birthday. I intend to celebrate the great philosopher's birth by being nasty, brutish and short.
Mmmmmmm, Akumal. Sadly, nobody seems to be offering last-minute-package-deals to there.
It's an imaginary vacation. On imaginary vacations, I'm rich. Filthy rich. I'll pick you up in my private jet. Be on your roof around 10am Saturday morning. I've never met E but he's more than welcome.
And ION, billytea's tag continues to crack me up.
Then I realized the surge protector is three pronged and the plugs upstairs are two pronged.
I live in a world war II-era house and I'm not at all sure the wiring has ever been upgraded. I buy the three-prong converter doodads in bulk and then
about the rest.
And ION, billytea's tag continues to crack me up.
t attempts to kill Tom Cruise with a heat ray
I live in a world war II-era house and I'm not at all sure the wiring has ever been upgraded. I buy the three-prong converter doodads in bulk and then lalalalalaICAN'THEARYOU about the rest.
My GFIs are quaking in fear.
Yeah. Don't have those either. There's a reason we decided not to buy the house.
In my old house (huh, that's weird after six years there), the guest room / office had
outlet that we "converted" from two-prong to three... I had forgotten all about it until I was unplugging everything and counted how many power strips were in there.
The electrical was still fabric-wrapped and likely original from when the house was built in 1928.
Forget my masses of candles, how did I fail to never start an electrical fire in there?