JenP, glad to hear things are progressing well with all your treatments. May the coming ones be tolerable and over quickly (can't expect fun, but may they not be totally sucky, ya know?)
{{vw}} Hang in there. I'm sure your mom understands the stress you've been under. Also, a few flowers never hurt. (I'm saying this because my daughter has been so very solicitous of me since I came back from my aunt's wake, she brought me flowers yesterday.)
t /my daughter likes carrots
Raise hands if you think Hec might be picky about his reading matter, because I think just maybe. Not that there's anything wrong with that.(raises hand)
Thankful Mom can be good with my pain, even if we are more Munch & Stanley than Lorelai & Rory... but her mom was more like Patsy from AbFab crossed with Livia Soprano, so we're okay.
Jen, I am glad the treatment is going so well.
Olivia had her 2 month appointment today. All's well and she's in the 50th percentile across the board on her weight and measurements. She's nearing 12lbs. She still doesn't outweigh the cat. In the case of Perkins' cat, it would take two Olivias to do that, I think.
{{{vw}}} I am sure your mom understands all of the stress you have been under. Cute hats and cute Toto!
Olivia had her 2 month appointment today. All's well and she's in the 50th percentile across the board on her weight and measurements. She's nearing 12lbs. She still doesn't outweigh the cat. In the case of Perkins' cat, it would take two Olivias to do that, I think.
Hey! You're not wrong, but still....
I'm glad she's doing well.
Ok. I'm off. Wish me luck. Or something.
Gah-fuckin-ronk. I had loads of fun with Juliana last night. Too much fun! I'm hurting this AM...
Because of the spankings?
t props chin in hands
t tries to stop slashing 'ffistas