Well, Leah, Sarah, and Rachel aren't as regularly nicked as, say, Susan, Stephen, James... they don't much have a built-in diminutive.
My roommate/bestfriend in college was named Leah, but no one ever called her that. Lee, usually, but Leely often too.
If I can order The Magic Bullet off of my tv and be using it to create the bestest egg salad you've ever seen by the following week
This sentence took my brain quite some time to parse. Magic Bullet making EGG SALAD?? Um, ew? Then I saw the smoothie thing, and realized it was not what it seemed.
My name, 'Karen', is truly un-nickable.
We called a friend Kare-bear. Also, randomly, Kobbles. But yeah, not so much with the "normal" or automatic nicks. (Heh! Though apparently with ChiKat's family the first one too!)
I am not a huge fan of my "real" first name (thus the going by meara all over!), including the fact that there's not a good nickname ("Shayshay" does not count. Nor does "Shanaynay". Though "Sha-na-ma-na (doot doo doo doo doot!)" does get a pass). It is very rarely pronounced or spelled correctly, and many people misremember it as "Shannon", which rhymes with my last name. I tell them my parents are freakish, but not that CRUEL.
Mostly I think of you as "our beloved Juliana," from just before you moved out here, which is occasionally initialised to "OBJ," which reminds me of LBJ and makes me giggle.
Hah! That's awesome, though "OBJ" also makes me think she should be a rapper.
I saw JZ posting earlier. Just wanted to extend the dinner invite to you and Hec as well, if you're interested/don't have plans :)
I saw JZ posting earlier. Just wanted to extend the dinner invite to you and Hec as well, if you're interested/don't have plans :)
Love to, but we've got Emmett and it's a school night, so we can't come out to play.
Reuben Ring sounds like it's good, vw.
JZ, Hec, Mom and I are hoping we'll get to meet Emmett(in that not stalking young kids way)
I know I'm always startled by the way Canadians (and I assume Brits) say Regina with a long I sound.
If the Queen says it Re-gIna, then that's good enough for me!
Daylight Savings Time has completely frelled Owen's sleep cycle. Or else it's just plain old bad luck after that one 12 hour night last week. Feh. Just when you get on a schedule, they pull the old Toddler Switcharoo and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm looking forward to Spring, though. It's been rainy and gray here for a few days.
Olivia had her 2 month appointment today. All's well and she's in the 50th percentile across the board on her weight and measurements. She's nearing 12lbs. She still doesn't outweigh the cat. In the case of Perkins' cat, it would take two Olivias to do that, I think.
Your dirty queen is dirty, too. Possibly with two Rs.
HA! You weren't even BORN yet. (My sister turns 46 this year.)
I had a feeling (it's not strong enough to call it anything resembling a memory) after I typed that. I just forgetfully name-checked, well doofus-checked your brother, in Natter. sarameg had to talk her brother through D.C.
Unrelatedly, I also told one of the kindergarten mommies about Lilly saving her little friend from the bulb syringe (which we just always call
the booger sucker
because well because). I think it's Plei day, in my head.
I am not a huge fan of my "real" first name (thus the going by meara all over!), including the fact that there's not a good nickname ("Shayshay" does not count. Nor does "Shanaynay". Though "Sha-na-ma-na (doot doo doo doo doot!)" does get a pass). It is very rarely pronounced or spelled correctly, and many people misremember it as "Shannon", which rhymes with my last name. I tell them my parents are freakish, but not that CRUEL.
meara, does the first A in your name sound more like an "ah" or like the A in at?
Olivia had her 2 month appointment today. All's well and she's in the 50th percentile across the board on her weight and measurements. She's nearing 12lbs. She still doesn't outweigh the cat. In the case of Perkins' cat, it would take two Olivias to do that, I think.
Daylight Savings Time has completely frelled Owen's sleep cycle. Or else it's just plain old bad luck after that one 12 hour night last week. Feh. Just when you get on a schedule, they pull the old Toddler Switcharoo and there's nothing you can do about it.
When my kids were real little, it helped me, at least as far as the mornings went, because they'd sleep in. On the downside, I didn't gain the hour in the Fall, like the rest of the world.
I'm looking forward to Spring, though. It's been rainy and gray here for a few days.
Yes. We've had nice weather mostly, but this winter was just dreary. Need Spring.
I'm suffering from the worst case of Winter Fatigue EVER. I just want to be able to take the kids outside on the patio and stay out for a long time.
I'm consoling myself with Doctor Who episodes.