(Quite right on the rhyming, btw.)
See, now, I was assuming for ages that Thiessen would be pronounced this way, that when you mentioned that there were problems with other people getting it right, all I could think of was - huh, if the obvious isn't right, then ... maybe... francophone... sounds more like "Tyson"?
Amok! Amok!
Hands GC some drumsticks and a leather collar.
Hands GC some drumsticks and a leather collar.
t runs through SF fitting right in
Here, it's not "Car - en" and it's not quite "Care - n". In this part of the U.S. "Care" would sound like it would if spelled "Cair", but in other parts, it's more like "Kear".
We pronounce my lil sis like "Kair-un" (rhyme the first syl. with "air"...or rhyme the whole thing with "Erin"). But, many of my southern relatives pronounce it "kay-run" (rhyme the first syl. with "day"). My mom tried for years to get them to pronounce it the way she wanted, but gave up after awhile.
Sorry for the Coke lavage, bunk.
I know that can hurt.
Most of the pronunciations do not bother much, but the telemarketer one of Juh-NECK-E. definitely does. But it makes it really easy to say "Oh, there's nobody here by that name."
My favorite mispronunciation is being Ms. Hannukah. Now that I know it's "me" you know, and don't look around blankly for a festive young girl in menorah earrings.
Oh, dear. What a tragedy: [link]
This happened shortly before my doctor's appointment this afternoon. Apparently, shortly before I arrived another patient arrived after having witnessed the accident. The person's treatment provider wasn't available yet, and the poor person was in hysterics, so they had to usher the person (and think they said "she") down to APS (the psychiatric ER). Poor thing. Poor everyone involved.
Hands GC some drumsticks and a leather collar.
runs through SF fitting right in
BWAH! Yeah, I think I saw that outfit in the Mission on Friday....
What a tragedy:
Oh, no. Oh, that's awful.
From the Fandom Can Be Educational Department:
Have applied gentle cluesticks to young House fans, who, in discussing ways our favorite medical drama might shark-jump, listed "Having House *useless* in a wheelchair. Nuh uh.
I said it would harm the show if Dr. House's mobility was restricted, but I think equating that with uselessness is bigotry.
Maybe if I do that a few million more times...I'd get mad but they were obviously not far off their first periods. Must I be everybody's First Gimp? In House fandom?
Oh, dear Lord.
Terrible story.
Juliana, do you live near Fisherman's Wharf?