And then only if you're apologizing to somebody in particular. "Teppy, I'm round stick that I called you at 6am on Sunday morning and woke you up." didn't, though, did you? *Today,* that is?
So, yeah, this is cute: I go to CVS right before it closes, to pick up a prescription, intending to go to the grocery store after (I have my list all made out and with me, coupons clipped, etc.) As I'm paying for my prescription at CVS, I hear someone behind me clearing their throat in the attention-getting way (not the I-have-a-hairball way). I turn around.
It's The Boy. Picking up a prescription of his own. So we make with the small talk, walk out to our cars, and then I say I have to go to the grocery store. The Boy just laughs. I ask what's funny, and he reaches in his car and pulls out a piece of paper, which he hands to me.
His grocery list. So we grocery-shopped together. (Well, more or less "together" -- he's pokey and I like looking for new stuff, so we each went at our own pace, but kept bumping into each other every other aisle or so.)
He's just so easy to be with. It scares me. I'm used to relationships being hard, and never feeling totally comfortable. I'm starting to suspect I've caught Billytea's doooooooomed. But then -- ack -- after the What Are We Doing Talk/Agreement To Continue Not Defining This the other night, I don't don't DON'T want to get more smitten than The Boy is, only to have him tell me "Hey, back off, sister! You are WAY too into me."
So....well. I'm just trying to keep the doooooomed very reined in, so that things stay in perspective. For both of us.