Well, it's not a
movie. I guess that I felt this way because the Hardy adaptations I've seen have all been full of lots of unpicturesque farming, and bare floorboards that you KNOW would give you splinters, and cow pats, and all that jazz. Obviously Austen didn't write about that kind of thing, but her Elizabeth does blythely turn up at the Bingleys' place with inches of mud on her frock from trudging through the countryside, so it's not a huge leap to concentrate on that side of things. The Bennets seemed to me a bit less well-to-do in this movie than they were in the TV adaptation - it's quite good, in that it makes the necessity of wedding a man of means considerably more obvious.
I didn't hate it. But it's not a patch on Ang Lee's
Sense and Sensibility,
The new P&P in my Netflix queue.
I'm also having fun imagining Trudy in the Land of Hoosiers.
I have a confession to make. Although I was born and bred in Indiana, I've only went to the Indy 500 one time. It was hot and muggy that day and it felt like the Battan Death March with beer coolers.
Cash, that's one more time than I went, or watched it (even on tv).
Fay, I am marking that post for the next time I am in a particularly Austen mood.
Kristin, have fun canoeing! And good luck with giving notice and accepting the new position and all that.
MG, that is absolute CRAZINESS with the prescription. I’m so sorry. I’m glad they dispensed new meds and got them to you in a reasonable amount of time.
Get to have brunch with the 'rents today. We found this new place right down the street that does a buffet brunch, and we loves it, yes we do.
Kristin, have fun on the trip and congratulations on the new job!
Kristin! Very exciting on both counts. Scary yes, but a good plan.
Have fun at brunch vw. I think breakfast for my crew is going to be drive through. We are headed out to see my parents and sibs. But there is 140 miles to travel to get there.
Taking the boat so the boys can go fishing. I'm thinking floating in the pool with my sisters and mom is a better plan.
Sounds like fun, Laura! Have a good day!
Laura, that sounds like a PERFECT day. I wish it was warm and sunny here. And that I had a pool.
Still waiting to get out of here, but I see DH is securing the boat to the van now.
Unusual news for me. I went shopping yesterday. I hate shopping oh so much, but I needed to get dress socks for DH (hee, I originally typed SH, but he is not a shitty husband, he is quite dear, so edit) so I went to Target. Didn't find any socks for him and had to go to the big man store, but I got lots of stuff for mememe.
Target had Cherokee capri pants. 5 pocket stretch denim type for $12. And they fit just exactly right. So I bought 4 pair. And 2 bras! I must have bras that are seamless, and have no evil underwires, or silly padding. They had 2 in my size that fit the criteria so I bought em. And panties!
This may sound routine, but I never do this. My GF was shocked. Then I told her I might go shoe shopping with her. It must be middle age crazies.
Oh, even more fun, said GF bought Baileys with caramel to consume during the basketball playoffs. It was so very yummy.
Yes, I have consumed much coffee now.... Can you tell?