Then they were going to courier the perscription from the wrong patient to my mom. Ummmm. Yeah. So, how do we know it has not been contaminated or otherwise messed with?
Heh, they just called. They are dispensing fresh meds and couriering them to my house.
I swear... Didn't we already have this conversation in Mexico?
Yeah, but were you beltless?
MG, you've got to be kidding me! Sheesh.
Cass, actually no rafting--this is a calm part of the river. Just gentle canoeing.
Yeah, but were you beltless?
We were being eaten from our bottoms and you expect we remembered belts?
K, happy floating!
"eaten from our bottoms" means "putting away tequila like its going away tomorrow"? Huh.
Hi all. just caught up. Now off to bed, because I have to be at work at 8am CDT. 9 hours from now. So that means I need to get up at 6 am CDT, which means I should have gone to bed at 9 CST, which is about the time I got home from my 10 1/2 hours at work today.
I'ma need some vitamins and benedryl, stat.
(lard, its what's delicious)
(mmmmmmmmm lardy goodness)
Hey! Maybe its the
that makes me felonious!