erika, say what you want about Felix, he would have cleaned. See, I can handle a slob who doesn't nag, or a cleaner who does complain, but a slob who complains about the state of the house?--Makes me go all Proverbial...
Under three things the earth trembles;
Under four it cannot bear up:
a servant who becomes king,
a fool who is full of food,
an unloved woman who is married
and a slobby roommate who complains the place is a mess.
Dear Not!Emily's Girlfriend:
We think you are ok. But here's a word of advice for you: For your next relationship, try to find yourself a grown-up. Grown-ups know how to do some semblance of their share of household chores without having to have their girlfriends do more than remind them occasionally. We all know that illness, injury, physical conditions make exceptions, but if the guy don't know that being physically capable of playing hockey trumps having electrodes stuck to one's head for being first choice for cleaning up, he ain't worth the effort.
You're right, Cindy. This guy is a faux-Felix.
Yay. I get to work 2pm to 2am. This being daylight saving changeover, the person who comes in at 2 to relieve me will magically have been there for an hour when it seems like only 1 minute. Of course, that only works if she can figure out how to reset all the clocks.
Actually, I don't think all that highly of Not!Emily's GF. Any time I've slept at a guy's place and he had roommates, I've never even *thought* to take a shower or take up space outside of his room unless I've gotten the okay from the roomies first.
Not to mention that when I had roommates, it was made clear from the beginning that if guests stayed over, they showered/cooked/whatever only when it was most convenient for the RENT PAYING people.
How much longer 'til he's gone, vw?
On a lighter note, me & Jilli have changed our sigs just for Fay the foamy one...
So, so angry on vw's behalf. He hasn't paid rent and he's demanding housecleaning services?! grrrrrr.
And so cute that the OTP post next to each other. Well, not actually next to each other, on my screen Pete's on top.
I gotta get back to work. Boo.
utterly distracted from wrath by the dashing arrival of the House of Reason in a cloud of glitter and paintbrushes and tiny wee bats.
LOOK at the cuteness!!! Matching tags!
::is killed ded::
Pete-n-Jilli 4eva!!!!!eleventy