Nah. He's a nice guy. Just busy and shit. It's just, this is important. To me. And I want to take care of it sooner rather than later.
Also, I don't want any more seizures. So, I want to make a plan. We are currently planless, and that's just no good.
Trudy's back at wrok, too?! Rock.
Lord, how I adore strong women.
vw, does your doctor know how many people are waiting for him to return your call, in addition to yourself?
We are currently planless
Of course, I read this 'beltless."
vw, does your doctor know how many people are waiting for him to return your call, in addition to yourself?
I don't think he fully understands this. Maybe someone else should call and leave a message for him to call me :).
OMG, can you imagine?
"You're who again?"
"Yeah, that's my real name, but vw will know me better by my screen name."
"Screen name? VW? This is a doctor's office, not a garage."
"Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!"
{{{{{vw}}}}} I hope your calls you back soon.
Fay, I love the new cut. You look fabulous.
Could I have some exam~ma for about 4:00 today?
Holy crap VW -- at this point I'd be calling the manufacturer and ordering a whole new body. 'Cause the one you're using now doesn't seem to be working out.
I have these really desperate moments of just wanting to give up on everything. I'll be fine one minute, radically accepting life as it is; then the next minute I'm ready to say, "Forget this! It's not worth it!"
And the prospect of being in pain for another 4-6 weeks is almost more than I can bare. And now the seizures are back, after being basically seizure free since 1997? WHAT IS GOING ON? I want a refund.
Exam~ma sj.
I was able to see that the cute PG&E man was making funny faces at a toddler in a car seat
Hee. Cutiehead PG&E guy.
I know the 4-6 weeks sounds unbearable vw, but I think it would not be at this level the whole time. When doc calls back discuss your pain management options.
vw, I've already given the universe and your body severe talkings-to. Apparently, no one listens to me. Feel better. I think that under the circumstances, it would have been appropriate to wear the scrubs to work.
Fay looks even more fabulous with the new cut.