Do you like it? It's adorable. I don't think I've seen it that short on you before.
I do like it. It wasn't quite this short when I was a freshman, though it was short; and after I started college, I just stopped cutting it to shorten and only cut to trim. But it hasn't been this short in like six or seven years. It's sort of my kicky pseudo-spring look. I actually got 10 inches or so cut off before I went to Guatemala, 'cause I didn't want to take all that hair with me. It was really heavy.
Y'all granola-chomping Bay people and your vibes...
Spring days: We honestly have some lovely ones, although Fall is my favorite, but the spring does feel precious here because it's before our major indoor season so it is with a real sense of making the most of it that we approach the spring...a few years ago, I went to the botanical gardens after a rainstorm and I could smell all the mesquites and palo verdes wet and that was very nice.
Looking forward to: Sopranos every week. Yay! Sundays just are *not* the same without whackings and Satriale's Pork Store and stuff.ETA: Most gallant Hecubus, did I just harsh your mellow? Or drop a big chalk outline on it? Cause if so, I'm sorry, bunk.
Oh, ick. Baseball.
I'd forgotten.
Perfect spring day? That'd be a year ago next month. Holy carp, can you believe she's 11 months old today?
Although how pathetic a fangirl am I, waiting around for *two years*
My next tattoo will have to be "Chase's Bitch", huh?
I woke up from my nap not sweating -- I think my fever has broken. So if its spring yet, today.
Holy carp, can you believe she's 11 months old today?
Nope. Happy .917 birthday, La Squeak!
Long-time lurker delurking.
A favorite spring day: One Easter Sunday when I was 9 or so. We were at my grandparents' place in the Sierras, and my mom took my brother and me on a hike while my grandfather hid Easter eggs. We saw a doe and her fawn.
Thing I'm looking forward to: The Avengers, Mutants and Flipper at the Fillmore on April 8. No time like the present to relive my youth!
Oh, my gosh. How does one pick just one spring day? I can remember hunting Easter eggs at my grandparent's farm, picking strawberries for shortcake, grinding away at the handcrank ice cream maker for the best strawberry ice cream ever, being small enough to climb the pear tree without being yelled at by grandpa and the watching the goldfish in grandma's fish pond float lazily along. But, I can't tell you if that was just one day or a number of different days that all blend into my feeling of SPRING! It's SPRING, NOW!
As for looking forward to something, there's a flamenco guitar concert the end of next week that I'm looking forward to. It's a form of music I fell in love with in Spain. And, oh! That's another cool Easter memory. Watching the local folks dancing to the Sevillana in the town square. Gasping at how high they could toss each other with a blanket held by a dozen people. And running like hell behind the highest barrier when they let the bull loose. Oh, yeah, Easter in Arcos and Vejer, not something to be forgotten.
I've never liked spring. In New England, spring is wet and muddy and cold.
But those few weeks before summer fully appeared, when I could finally feel the sun warming my skin--when the summer birds start singing me awake in the morning?
Oh yes.