A great spring day--I remember walking from 16th down 6th avenue in NYC when I lived there on a gorgeous day. I wandered in and out of stores and got a sandwich in a deli. There was every kind of person on the street and everyone was in a "first Spring day" bouncy mood. On the way back up, I bought a book from a street vendor and came home and moved some pillows out the fire escape and sat out there and read and watched folks walking along 16th.
Looking forward to--going up to San Luis Obispo to visit family and ride horses and sit by a fireplace.
Well, the second one's easy - I'm looking forward to visiting my brother and his wife over Easter. Ellie and I are going to surprise my parents, who will also be visiting. It will be a chance to see most of my dada's side of the family before we leave.
As for a spring day, I'm not too sure. However, it's been over 80 here the last few days and my morning and evening walks keep reminding me so much of last year late spring/early summer. I was near the end of my pregnancy and feeling it, but I was exicted and it was so beautiful outside. We have tons of great songbirds here and the flowers are gorgeous.
David, this will cheer you up: I got my hair cut this weekend.
1) Remembrance of a favorite spring day.
Walking in the woods in New Zealand. Bliss.
2) Something you're looking forward to in the next month.
I hope vw and Trudy get to feeling better. At least enough to get them to work. I would probably fret about missing too much also. I just wish you could get well guilt-free.
Remembrance of a favorite spring day:
I love spring, so there are many. But there was one early spring day from which my springlove sprang. My sister and I were enamored of spring flowers and loved to pick them. One day we picked more than we should have, and instead of scolding us, Mom told us to divide them into bouquets and wrap each in damp paper towels. Then she took us around to the homes of elderly ladies from our church. We laid a bouquet on the doorstep, rang the bell, and ran back to car. Our mom would speed off before they could see who had brought the posies. We did that until we ran out of bouquets.
It was something Mom had done on May Day when she was a girl. Mary and I continued to do secret bouquets for a couple of years after that, just one or two for ladies who lived in walking distance.
Something you're looking forward to in the next month:
Getting my taxes done so that I'll know if I have enough funds to attend the F2F.
Good idea, Hec! It's been very Mondayish here too. Had to talk a colleague in off the ledge (not literally). A happy memory is welcome.
The toxic boss link has been sent to my umfriend in honor of the narcissist she works for.
SA pretty
1) Remembrance of a favorite spring day.
2) Something you're looking forward to in the next month.
I'm going to Canberra this coming weekend for my sister's wedding. My older brother gets out of prison this week too, so I'll be seeing him for the first time since M's funeral, and he should be pretty clear-headed. Of course, sister is still loopy, but the guy she's marrying is a good bloke. My nephew adores him.
I can't think of a specific Spring day memory, but next month the DH and I are meeting my sister and her family in Yosemite, so I'll get to spoil a niece and nephew while enjoying the great outdoors.
David, this will cheer you up: I got my hair cut this weekend.
Hell yeah! Looks great on you, SA. Thank you!
I'll contribute as well.
Spring Day: Second semester of my junior year in college I got buried under late papers and had to fight and fight to finish everything. It was a six week blur of all-nighters and extensions and the day I turned the last paper in I remember walking back along middle-path and all this pressure lifted off me. I looked up for the first time in it seemed like forever and it was Spring. Mid-morning sun warmed everything and cast dappled shadows on the path, flower were in bloom, and the breeze was in my face and I just felt so happy and free.
Looking forward to: Baseball starting! I get a whole section of the newspaper back. For me, it's like cracking open a big, amazing novel loaded with characters and suspense and incident and right now I'm just in the foreward and list of characters.
Spring Day -- Yesterday. Walking down the street in Paris with one of my best friends in the world, talking about nothing, eating a really good sandwich from a street vendor and enjoying a gorgeous, sunny day.
You're welcome. :)
Do you like it? It's adorable. I don't think I've seen it that short on you before.
Spring Day -- Yesterday. Walking down the street in Paris with one of my best friends in the world, talking about nothing, eating a really good sandwich from a street vendor and enjoying a gorgeous, sunny day.
Anytime you can write "Yesterday. Walking down the street in Paris..." you've got an excellent start on a memorable spring day.
Note to self: sandwiches and spring days seem to work well together.