Be nice if you had one day (or a hundred) that went according to plan. Though, try not to beat yourself up if it goes awry.
Boy, wouldn't it.
And, it didn't. By the time I got to the T to go to work (after getting my blood drawn), I was in so much pain, I was in tears. So, I came home. Just e-mailed work telling them that I've decided to not work extra hours this week (it's Spring Break), and just try to take it easy and recuperate. Hopefully that will be ok with them. Otherwise, I may lose the job. I hope not, but I'm accepting that that is a possibility.
Have I mentioned lately that this sucks? 'Cause it does. Time for more painkillers.
I hope it works out with the job, vw. it would be great if you could use Spring Break as a time to rest.
Nora, how'd the research go this weekend? Find anything good in that mess of articles I sent you?
TMI question for my Bitches. Partially whitefonted for the squeamish.
So, I have this yeast infection. I also have my period. Now, I've had a yeast infection before, but I don't really remember it very well. I remember it as more being a pain in the ass than anything else, like painful or uncomfortable. So, my doctor told me to do the over-the-counter seven-day treatment, because it's the most effective treatment out there. So, that's what I'm doing.
But, when I put the cream in, it stings so badly. And on top of the other pain on having right now, it's almost unbarable. It feels like it's sizzlilng down there, and it's really just no fun.
Is this normal, and I'm just not remembering it? Or, does it sound semi-normal, but with everything else that's going on it's probably magnified? Or, should I be concerned? It's to the point where I lie in bed for several hours before falling asleep, because it is so uncomfortable. And really, right now, I need my sleep...if nothing else, so I get a break from the pain.
That's never happened with me, vw. this may be a reaction to all the other stuff you've gone through. Can you call the nurse?
Shit. That's what I was afraid of. I really thought that I would have remembered if it were painful. Maybe I'll give my doctor a page today. She's getting used to hearing from me about every other day. Don't wanna let her down!
majorly gronky here. hope the doc can sort this all out, vw, as the sizzling? sounds like even less fun than you have been having.
vw, that has happened to me before so I stopped using the cream and now get a prescription for diflucan. Is that an option for you?
Megan, it looks like that interacts with my seizure medication, so probably not. I'll ask her about it, though. Maybe there's something esle she can give me.
Also, she didn't want me to add anything oral to the mix right now. I'm on A LOT of medications, and they're really trying to minimize what extra things I'm taking.
Dagnabit, vw! You deserve a break from all the ooky! I hope the doctor has something to help.
Thanks, all, for the kind wishes. I'm waiting to hear when the wake will be and then it'll probably be turn around and do it all again.
It sometimes stings the first day - due to rawness fo rme .
strenght to you
my eyes won't stay open yet.