OK, where does "I'll cut you" come from?? I've seen it, I've used it, I've loved it, but...I've utterly lost the source.
Not sure of the original source, but it does seem to crop up from Sin City to Family Guy and a few places in between.
It even shows up in
Bill Duke in Predator
"You're ghosting us mutha fucker! I don't care who you are back in the world, but you give away our position one more time, I'll cut you! real bad! leave you here! You got that?"
ETA: And yeah, I have the feeling that somewhere, recently I've seen a show, or a clip where someone did it deadpan in response to some thing said by another person.
I can imagine me saying some incredibly bad pun, and Andi looking at me and saying, "I'll cut you."
I'm very much dazed the first hour or so after I get up. I do sing to the children in the morning though. If I have to be up at that hour they should suffer too.
DH rolls out of bed and goes directly into the shower. He's all alert and stuff. It doesn't bug me because I'm in too much of a fog to care.
I wake up totally alert. Always have; don't know why. It might be fear. Of the oncoming day.
Yet...I'm not getting a "I wanna make otu with you" impression.
I disbelieve this. Completely. There's not a person with a pulse that doesn't want to make out with meara at least a little.
Off to see people now...
Skippy Skimmy and still dying to death.
I wake up badly. When I was in Louisville with the family doing the mourning thing since I was sleeping in the living room I really couldn't hide from people in the morning. I was in the dining room making my scowly face and announced, "I'm not awake yet, please don't talk to me." They all nod and not thirty seconds later my Mom asks me to do something. Hey, it was just a "little" thing. I nearly flipped and my Aunt, God bless her, said, "she just SAID she's not awake yet." Fended them off. Love my aunt. What the hell does "don't talk to me" MEAN to people?!?!?!?
we could just sit and snuggle val
I'm watching (on my new cable!) "Little People Big World" and I'm less than intrigued by the people, but DAMN, do I love the settings--they have this amazing house with a big wraparound porch that just looks awesome. And the boys went camping on this lake, and it's beautiful. I'm all jealous.