I am home, but it just took half an hour for the cable guys to find the box...and now they can't figure out which one is for my apartment. Oy.
Plus, none of the stuff that was supposed to happen at work today (while I was out) that I left specific instructions about, has happened. Good GRIEF. So annoying.
All your Cass are belong to me, or at least to my apartment, where she is, but I am not.
I'm going to Edinburgh for the weekend tomorrow with Thanksgiving Boy. Of course, now is the time when what feels like a small island nation has decided to move into my sinuses. I sneezed 19 consecutive times in a statistics class today. Fun.
Sail, are you home now or still in Michigan? I'm glad you were able to see your aunt and since there's so many horror stories about dealings in nursing homes, I'm so happy that Aimee confirmed your aunt is in a good one. {{{Sail}}}
Of course, now is the time when what feels like a small island nation has decided to move into my sinuses
possibly the small(ish) island nation you are inhabiting? :)
Just e-mailed my ASL professor about our exam tomorrow. I think I'm going to try to go in and take it, but I don't think I'll stay for the rest of class. I hope I'm making the right decision.
possibly the small(ish) island nation you are inhabiting?
Perhaps Ireland missed me so much since I moved away that it flew up my nose in the middle of the night...
I have achieved Bay Area. Am thieving Perkin's computer and gleefully logging her out of lots of places so I can log in myself.
It's little Buffista foo foo. Little 'fista foo foo clicking on the links. Logging out the Perkins and logging in the Cass. There might also be bopping of field mice on the heads, but four cats together are already dangerous enough. Though locking them in seperate portions of the home, with a hallway buffer zone? Brilliant.
I just threadsucked 100 messages. Off to read and mearaize them. And then nap.
Oh and the drive was actually shockingly easy. I hit some traffic in Pasadena and that was *it*... I drove from San Diego to San Francisco with basically no traffic. Leaving at 4 a.m.? Has it's advantages...
Whoohoo, Perkins and Cass! Wish I could be there with you and the kitties. Wah.
Nicole, still in Michigan. We'll go home on Sunday. Tonight, dinner with other family members. Tomorrow, probably wile the day away with Aunt Ruth and my cousins. I brought books and crocheting to keep me busy. Plus, Ruth likes to have her good hand held, so there will probably be a lot of hand holding and story telling going on. It's good, in its own way.
Ok, all, last night sucked and I need to whine an eensy bit about it.
I got home, depressed and exhausted after a friend's funeral, and sat on the couch to make myself feel better with a bit of SG-1, and I heard a noise in the kitchen. The cats ran out, all curious, but I decided that it must have been the dishes in the sink shifting, never thinking about why the dishes in the sink would be shifting, and ignored it. A bit later, it happened again. Finally, the third time it dawned on me that there was no good reason for the dishes to shift, and went to investigate, and discovered both kitchen sinks overflowing (literally) with brown, smelly water.
I immediately ran for the phone to call my landlord upstairs. My apartment is part of an oldish house, and both upstairs and downstairs drain out the same drain. This means that if there is a clog far down the drain (which is usually where there ends up being a clog), then all the water draining from upstairs backs up into my kitchen sink. So, I called to let them know that my sink was overflowing and please to stop all water draining activities immediately. They let me know that this was not terribly convenient at the time, as they were in the middle of stuff. Now, I like them a lot, but I fear I was not terribly diplomatic as I practically yelled that gross brown water was currently
my kitchen sink and I didn't really care how inconvenient it was, but please to stop
They stopped. eta: This may be a bit harsh. I think that they probably really didn't understand the urgency initially. Plus, I really was feeling pretty sensitive. Anyway, I guess I'm now feeling guilty about painting them too badly because they really are great folks.
Then I ran for towels and a bucket to start scooping icky water out of my sink. Fortunately, the tub seems to be on a different drain, so I could dump the water there (ew, gross). Half an hour later, as I was getting to the bottom (it was so slow because the two sinks are connected and won't let you drain just one), I realized that it was getting deeper! They drained more of something upstairs! Yes, there was another, not terribly polite phone call. eta: see above edit, about how 99% of the time my landlords are much better than I have any right to expect. And, they did offer me more Liquid Plummer.
I tried the plunger to no avail. I tried the Liquid Plumber, but I had the foaming stuff, and it just foamed up into my sink rather than down to the clog. Over the next hour and a half, I managed to get more Liquid Plumber in, bit by bit. Finally, I decided to just go to bed and get up early in the morning to deal with it. I had visions of plumbers in my head. This wasn'tall bad, as the thought of having a good excuse to stay home was appealing. However, the thought of someone I don't know well seeing my kitchen in that state was
less appealing.
Fortunately, the Liquid Plumber seems to have worked pretty well over night, as I was able to run hot water this morning. Enzymes will be introduced this evening. But I got about four hours of sleep, and I'm just so, damn tired this morning.
Actually, now that I think about it, this whole week has sucked. I notice, though, that my eensy whine has turned into a humungous one, so I won't bore everyone with all of those details.
And now, because everything is not all about mememe, even though I sometimes feel it is:
Bangkok sounds really cool.
Well, it actually sounds hot to be, but congratulations anyway, Fay! I'm really glad you got the position you wanted and hope that the folks at this school are great to work with.
All my bowls are clean;
I, like Daniel, read this wrong the first time.
Talk about TMI.
I must be slow, but I've read this over and over and cannot figure out the TMI. Not that I need an explanation. I'm ok with this being about dishes.
I'm watching the 1982 version of The Scarlet Pimpernel with Jane Seymour. I loved this movie so much as a kid.
I watched it on TV when I was in high school, and my mom made me turn it off and go to bed about 1/2 hour before the end. Now, I am a grown-up and it is on my NetFlix queue. Thanks for the reminder!
Um...there was more, but my brain forgot it all.
Well, I'm not sorry that I stood up for myself. (pats self on back)
I'm so sorry about how this worked out, Katie, but I'm really proud of you to. As someone else (continued...)