Stephanie, you have my sympathy and understanding. Living out of suitcases is orders of magnitude less tolerable with a baby.
Congrats, Fay! I hope you love it there!
Today is DH's birthday. He'd asked for, and received, the day off, but then the week got busy so he said he'd come in for a half day. His office arranged a party for him (cake and ice cream and stuff), but his boss first forgot that he'd given DH the day off, and then today forgot about the party and sent DH to a bunch of meetings all morning.
Resolution: kind of the worst of all choices. DH found out about it, but the party didn't happen by the time he left at 2:00.
All my bowls are clean;
I, like Daniel, read this wrong the first time.
Talk about TMI.
Heh. It would only be TMI if I actually meant what you thought you read.
Timelies, everyone.
Congrats, Fay!
I'm covering some classes for a friend who's at a conference, so this week, I've got two days where I'm teaching at 8, 9:30, and 11, and then have a class at 2. Today, though, the "teaching" pretty much just consists of "Here's a worksheet. Find the answers." so it's not really tiring. Just, I'd rather be still actually asleep, rather than kind of sleepwalking.
Yay, Fay job!
They're lucky to have you, too, babe.
More exotic locales.
I'm watching the 1982 version of
The Scarlet Pimpernel
with Jane Seymour. I loved this movie so much as a kid. I don't think I've seen it in over 15 years.
WooHoo, Fay!
I'm sleepy.
Daniel, if you can't find the Due South for a Valentine's Day prezzie, I guess you'll have to get me a chocolate heart.
In meme news, I want to thwap a 9th grader with entitlement issues. Someone tell me it's a bad idea, quick.
Go ahead. Then
be entitled too. To an attorney. If you cannot affort an attorney some overworked civil servant with bigger problems will be provided for you.
What a sweet knight. I would totally melt if spared public transport after a long day.
She totally zonked, does that count?
Counts in that "trusts you utterly" way? Oh yeah.
Ginger - sometimes I don't know what doc's are thinking. My mom started home dialysis a month or so ago. Recently she has been showing me how to set-up the stuff. Those bags of solution are heavy! For someone who is ill and weak, that is quite a job to do each night. But they just ship the supplies weekly and expect her to be able to handle it all by herself. My mom is stubborn (duh) and still doing fairly well most days, but not all dialysis patients are. Just boggle.
Look, this is America. Some sort of aide coming over for a couple of hours a day would be communist. Or something. Quticher bitchin.
I need a nap desperately. Or just to be knocked unconscious. I'm not choosey.
t gets that big looney toons hammer, holds behind back, whistles casually
Ok, I am sooooooo glad I have my appointment today. It is not normal behavior to almost go through the phone at a tenant with the intent to murderize them. It's really not.
Normal if you're a Looney Toon! This should be our theme for the day. We all go Toon and have at it.
t sends Looney Toon 'ma to vw which consists of blowing a kiss which then becomes little red hearts which soom up a map and then hit her on the cheek and make the 'smack' sound
I'm watching the 1982 version of The Scarlet Pimpernel with Jane Seymour. I loved this movie so much as a kid. I don't think I've seen it in over 15 years.
And Anthony Andrews? I remember watching that in high school, for English class!