Ugh, Deena. I guess I lucked out when I bought this condo. A lot of the fees were covered by the seller because they were trying to unload the last 2 buildings worth of converted apartments, they even paid the first year's property taxes. All I had to come up with was some earnest money and then the downpayment check at closing. It was a very sweet deal compared to what regular homebuyers go through.
Well, I'm off to the wilds of Michigan for the weekend. I'm going to be staying at my aunt's house while I go in to Ann Arbor to visit her in the hospital. It will be nice to see all my cousins again, but the situation sucks. While my aunt is physically recovering from the stroke, regaining some use of limbs and facial muscles, the congestive heart failure is just wearing her down. I know that at 79 she's lived a long and adventurous life, I'm not nearly ready to see her as frail when I'm so used to her fire and vitriol (do not even mention the Shrub in her hearing.) Anyway, I may be fairly greyish through Sunday. Take care of yourselves if I don't get a chance to pop in until then!