JZ, you're not lame. You're busy. I just wanted to make sure you got it...that's all.
Thanks, guys. I don't want to quit. I go back and forth between being really stubborn and wanting to just give it all up. It's just the prospect of being in this much pain for four to six weeks is almost more than I can handle right now. You're right, though, Nora. I need to just take it one step at a time.
I e-mailed work to let them know I'd be in this afternoon. I hope that's going to be ok. I've been pushing myself so hard there this week...I think it may actually have made things worse, but I need this job. I just...ack.
Morning all. Today is going to be one LONG day, but with a worthy payoff in the end as I'll be on vacation...but I won't see sleep until about this time tomorrow - GUH.
vw, it won't be the same level of pain all 4-6 weeks. It will get incrementally better until it all goes away and you feel like superwoman again. Your doctor will make sure you've got meds to handle the pain, and we'll be around to hold you up and curse the asshats until it's over.
vw, I think the work you have done this week (hopefully not to the detriment of your own health) shows that you are committed to doing everything possible to be there and part of the team. It is not possible to skip this doctor's appointment, and you are making an effort to be there afterward.
Don't give it all up. There are LOTS and LOTS of steps between where you are now and giving it all up, if you feel like your current responsibilites are too much for you. It's almost the weekend. Get to the doctor, go to work, hang in. Take the pain meds. You can do it. You are strong.
I guess I'm just skeptical, because the last time I was told that I'd have a symptom for 4-6 weeks, it never went away (the headache in the back of my head, from the encephalitis). So, it's hard to focus on much other than that.
vw, I hope the doctor is right about the transitory nature of the pain this time.
My stomach prodded me awake an hour ago with extreme glurpiness, and Hec has been in and out of bed all night with his still-excruciating coccyx, poor lamb.
Poor Zmayhems! JZ, you need fizzy water and crackers, and I think Hec needs ibuprofen and one of those donut butt pillows.
In crafty news, I crocheted two skeins of yarn into my pancho last night at the ER. One of the security guards was amazed at how much I got done on the project while sitting there. I'm just so thankful that I had it work on.
Two more skeins of yarn, and it'll be done. It's gonna be fabulous. I can't wait to finish it.
This is the yarn: [link] Emily thinks it looks like sherbet. It's just really fun and springy.
I guess I'm just skeptical, because the last time I was told that I'd have a symptom for 4-6 weeks, it never went away (the headache in the back of my head, from the encephalitis). So, it's hard to focus on much other than that.
Maybe, tell your doctor about this concern? Hopefully she can reassure you that it won't be the case this time, adequately. Although it is your experience, and a big one, try to keep in mind that this is a different situation. That may help to keep from feeling overwhelmed...
This sucks. {{vw}}
Maybe, tell your doctor about this concern?
Yeah. I'll talk to them about it today.
Thanks everyone.