I hope you have had a sound sleep and wake to find the pain has gone.
Oh, how I wish. I did sleep for about 4 hours, for which I'm thankful. But, it wasn't nearly enough. Just picked up painkillers from the pharmacy. Hoping they kick in soon so I can get in the shower and get to work.
Did they tell you anything useful at all, vw?
Just that my doctor is right in her diagnosis, I didn't need to go to the ER (I could have followed up in the office this morning), and it'll be four to six weeks before I'm feeling better. Then, when I begged, and swore I wasn't a junky, they gave me painkillers.
smites vw's ER doctors with shin splints and butt boils - painful ones
She totally zonked, does that count?
Oooh. Trust.
I believe this is a good thing.
Fuck fuck fuck. It's my boss's birthday and I meant to stop at Lush on the way home last night and pick something up and I forgot all about it. Must now scramble around and figure something out.
Just that my doctor is right in her diagnosis, I didn't need to go to the ER (I could have followed up in the office this morning), and it'll be four to six weeks before I'm feeling better. Then, when I begged, and swore I wasn't a junky, they gave me painkillers.
I got the distinct impression that your doc was wanting you to go to the ER, quite possibly for the purpose of getting you some pain relief faster than she herself would be able to get a hard copy of a script for teh goooooood drugs to your pharmacy. And maybe to double-check that nothing else was going on. If the ER staff made you feel stupid for cooperating with her scheme, thpppbbbbbbt to them.
Oooh. Trust.
I believe this is a good thing.
When she is rested enough to grok what happened, she will be very, very grateful.
got the distinct impression that your doc was wanting you to go to the ER, quite possibly for the purpose of getting you some pain relief faster than she herself would be able to get a hard copy of a script for teh goooooood drugs to your pharmacy. And maybe to double-check that nothing else was going on. If the ER staff made you feel stupid for cooperating with her scheme, thpppbbbbbbt to them.
This was my impression as well. Oh, well. It's over now. I'll deal with the clinic from here on out.
Has anyone here heard much about the K Street Project?
Daniel, you might want to check out the Talking Points blog. It's been following the K Street Project -- and the corruption issues rising out of it -- for some months now.