{{vw}} I'm am so sorry to hear you have another health issue to deal with. Ugh. You will surely have exceptionally healthy middle and later years. My story is that the reason I have enjoyed such wonderful good health throughout my adult years is that I was horribly unhealthy as a child. Seems only reasonable. You are overdue. I insist your body give you a break now!
{{MG}} What they all wisely said. Parenting is so hard. You have positively influenced C's life in so many ways. Sucks that we can't read the Book of Wisdom at 9 and save ourselves having to learn stuff the hard way.
Fay! How exciting. How grand to have such lovely options.
I'm buried as always. Yesterday was long. The early morning school thing, then the work thing, then the basketball thing, then the baseball thing, then the grocery shopping thing. Non stop from 6am to 10pm. I rewarded myself by getting up early so I could catch up here.
Today not so rough. I have NO sports scheduled today. It's like a vacation. I do have to do dishes though. I am out of spoons, even the tablespoons. Since I am the family gathering house because I have the most dishes and utensils that is saying quite a lot.