Interesting. How is that distinct from algebra, Hil?
Here, it's required for business and social sciences majors who aren't taking calculus. It comes after college algebra, though not that many people take college algebra. Also, generally there's a bit of pre-calc at the end, since the next course in the sequence is business calc.
The wife of one of the librarians here delivered a healthy baby boy this morning, and mama is doing well.
What I should be thinking: I'm so happy for them!
What I'm actually thinking: His paternity leave is really going to screw up my work schedule.
Heh- I had a friend deliver this afternoon. Idiot woman refused to eat the last 2 months cause she didn't want to gain weight - no doubt from her husbnd calling her "fat" all the time - 40+ weeks and he was 5 pounds. FIVE POUNDS.
Oh, Aimee, that's just...oh. I don't have words. Actually I have a lot of them but I don't know her and it's best kept to myself. Just oh.
I'll say them for you.
She's an idiot. And so is he.
From where I'm sitting, I gotta agree. Holy Moley!
I don't understand. Why did no one smack the husband very hard until he begged for mercy and promised to mend his ass-ish ways? Gah.
Sparky asks good questions.
(Hi Sparky. When are we going to go have Shiok or sushi again?)
She's an idiot. And so is he
See, that's the nice version of the words. The really really
nice version.
I got 2 hours of sleep last night for absolutely no reason I can figure out. Not thoughts racing in head, not uncomfortable and unable to find a position, just HI, IT'S 3:00 IN THE MORNING. And then I forgot my cell phone, what with the really tired, and therefore missed my shrink's message that she had to cancel, and so went waythehell across town to sit in the reception area forever because there's no evening receptionist until the other shrink finally got out of her group to say "oh, she's out sick today."
Which would've been grumpy but okay, what with the totally my fault missing the phone message, if it weren't for the fact that I had spent half my totally-lost-to-work afternoon debating with myself whether to call in sick myself, and decided to go because of the "if you don't cancel 24h in advance, you pay" business.
I hate the phone.
When are we going to go have Shiok or sushi again?
Um, I dunno. My schedule is either full or screwed (see above) completely for the next week, at least. I'm going to have two 12 hour days, and I'll be working on Saturday. Hopefully, over the next couple of days we'll work out here what happens next week.
Okay, still thinking about 5 lb baby. Aimee, I'm wondering how the parents will spin this. When they recount baby's first days, they won't say, "Baby was 5 lbs at birth because we were idiots."