Here's to a good sulk, Emily.
How are things at your end, Gud?
Speaking of ends, my tailbone still hurts. I'm starting to think I don't have a bruise but possibly a tiny fracture in my coccyx. Though that seems like it would cause bleeding and hence visible bruising which is not the case.
On the other hand, my ass still hurts from Tahoe sledding adventures. And not a dull ache, but sharp pain whenever that part of me bends.
Hey Emily, when a class is described as "Intro to finite math", what the heck type of math is it?
Ow, Hec, for I do know that pain better than most.
Things are in limbo right now.
Hey Emily, when a class is described as "Intro to finite math", what the heck type of math is it?
Er. Could they mean discrete, maybe? I'm really not sure. Sorry!
Hope your tailbone starts feeling better soon Hec.
Hey all. Have been lurking like a lurking thing lately, due to being blue and very busy. Spreading glittery ~ma to all and sundry.
I'm starting to think I don't have a bruise but possibly a tiny fracture in my coccyx.
Bruising/bleeding definitely not a prereq, Hec.
Signed, Fractured Mine in Childbirth, Ask me How!
I'm starting to think I don't have a bruise but possibly a tiny fracture in my coccyx.
Ouch, Hec. That's painful.
My mother fractured the last two bones in her spine falling off a stepstool while cleaning out the cabinet over the refrigerator, proving, once again, that housework can kill you.
(edited because I can't seem to do anything right the first time today)
I'm starting to think I don't have a bruise but possibly a tiny fracture in my coccyx.
Sounds like you need an ass-ray, Hec. Ouch.
My Mother fractured her tailbone by giving birth to me.