Megan, that does look helpful.
I'm not hating you, Windsparrow. It's not as bad as snorting swimming pool water, but it's definitely an eye-opener.
Spidra, I find the procedure causes several minutes during which my only thought is, "Oh god, oh god, that's nasty!" I don't think I have ever actually made myself go through the whole amount - I make that much because those are the proportions I know, and use however much I can cup in my hand once or twice - but that may be simply because I just cannot stand any more. Perhaps I am a wimp, and you are a champion. Hope it helps.
Shit. I know that one of my math problems on my quiz is wrong. Unfortunately, I don't have time to try to fix it. Ugh. I wouldn't even know where to start to try to fix it anyway.
I'm in tears.
Tried it another the same answer. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I have to get in the shower.
This sucks.
breathe, vw. You'll get it wrong, but you'll learn from it, and it will be OK. breathe and have a good day at school. It's nice outside!
I'm trying. Thanks, Nora.
ION, could potassium loss due to how long I've been on the steroids be causing horrible leg cramps? I can hardly walk the cramps are so bad in both legs. I can't think of any other reason why this would be happening.
We often blame potassium for just that, vw. Gatorade and bananas are the recommended medication.
Gatorade and bananas. Check. Will pick some up on the way to school.
I hate feeling manipulated by the airlines... I checked on a flight between Heathrow and Edinburgh on Expedia, and the R/T was $130, and then I checked a couple other itineraries, decided that the one I originally thought of was the best, went to select that, and a message came up, "We're sorry, the price of this flight has changed from $129.82 to $179.82" and I got so mad. I looked around quickly, saw I wasn't gonna do any better than $180, went back to Expedia, and clicked on the flight I wanted but it was back down to $130. So I bought it lickety split, and didn't wait for the final OK from Tom (though he'd been positive about it before the price change) because he's all, I don't know, working and stuff, and I got all tense and stressed and am nervous that I was stupid to buy the tickets and Tom will be pissed at me for not waiting till he had a moment to weigh in again.
But, it is good for us, time-wise, and I think it's good to potentially save $100. Even the $180 was (slightly) cheaper than Orbitz and the BMI direct site.
I just hate feeling all feverish and flustered about that stuff.
Nora, for future reference, when shopping around for airfares, you might want to clear your cache before jumping back and forth between travel sites. Or use separate browser windows.
Wow. Although, I was paranoid that was the case, and switched to a differnet browser when I investigated BMI's direct fares. Though, I don't know what info that browser had on me.
Yeah, so I rejected the more expensive price 3 times and then it went back to the original price.
Thanks for the link. Confirms my paranoia at least.