juliana, I'm invited to a Oscar party attended by the best sorts of bitchy queens and you can go as my guest if you'd like.
First support call of the day was a guy I SWEAR was channeling Dick Shawn as LSD. So in addition to the annoyance of answering questions that turned out not to have all that much to do with our books (people call us because "Adobe doesn't let you just call them"), I also had to deal with the weird rambling far-out style. First call always affects my mood.
I've been sick for weeks now. Sinus infection or whatever it is. Sinus headaches, burning eyes and sometimes getting dizzy spells. This is all happening right when I've gotten my layoff news and need to be looking for a job. I cleared my plate of tickets somewhat early yesterday but my eyes were burning so badly I couldn't make myself work on my resume. And my eyes were no better when I got home.
I'll try to start early on the resume today. I have to start crankin' on this stuff no matter HOW MUCH I hate doing resumes.
Tep, I hope your regular doctor gets back soon so you can get some informed help. As someone who is also chatty, let me advise that such people certainly don't mean to be annoying. Set your boundaries by just laying it on the line: "I'm sorry, but I feel like crap on toast today. I don't mean to be rude, but I really need to be left alone right now." I'm sure it'll feel like work, but not everyone can pick up on the cues that seem obvious to one's self.
juliana, what Nora said. A lot of people will be thinking about you on Sunday, and thinking that you're better off. I hope that whatever new tradition comes your way this weekend, it makes you happy.
I am leaving work early today for a "doctor's appointment" that is actually a facial. Go lyin' cheatin' me!
Gronk. It's four in the freakin' morning here, yet I am awake, doing a spot of cooking for the date tomorrow with Wallybee (patent pending). Because I have the time management skills of a lemur on millipedes.
You are all wonderful, amazing people. Thank you for sharing the saga of my bag with me, short as it was. I now have it back, with everything in it (!!) and I am posting from my beautiful Dell electrobaby.
Meara, I will speed-date with you! If they let you do it if you're from out-of-state and a visitor.
Raq, that intern sounds insane. However, now I totally want to be an embassy intern.
I require chocolate. And salt. Perhaps chocolate-covered pretzels. Ooh -- or chocolate-covered peanut butter-filled pretzels.
Fortunately, I'm going to Trader Joe's later, and they have chocolate-covered peanut butter-filled pretzels. So far, this is the only bright spot in my day.
What's going on this weekend, Steph?
What's going on this weekend, Steph?
I'm going to eat chocolate and avoid all human contact.
Rants o' the week:
Help ticket from hell. This woman has at most, a five-minute problem, but she absolutely refuses to either give me a phone number or even call me when I give her mine. Which means that I keep sending detailed emails with point by point directions, links to more documentation, screenshots... and then she emails back at, like, midnight to say "Oh, I don't have time for that.... and what about this other problem that I totally didn't mention before?" Lady, gimme FIVE FRACKING MINUTES to talk you through this stuff, and you'll be up and running and out of my damn queue forever, I promise.
Haven't slept. all. week. I'm completely exhausted, can't keep eyes open, can't get to sleep when I go to bed.
Need to update resume, and even though I'm not currently in need of a job, it's still giving me the resume terrors.
This season's ick is unusually tenacious, even for one who always has trouble shaking off colds.
I get freaked by new graphics, but I know this is weird and I have a phobia and stuff.