I have intern stories I just have to share.
Normally embassies get really top-notch people as interns. The interns are undergrads, usually in their last year, and are above-average in the brain box, plus either already have experience living overseas or have maturity levels that make the internship a pleasure.
Normally supervising them is a treat. Often they produce better work than many officers.
This one, though. I'm out of ideas. The first warning signs were subtle, but then a couple of the military guys were giving each other shit about a woman they both thought was attractive (nothing work inappropriate, something along the lines of "You were totally into her, dude!"), and Intern butts into the conversation with (and I am quoting verbatim), "I wouldn't have been interested in her. I'm celibate."
Naturally they thought he was trying to joke, because you don't say stuff like that at work, in the presence of your supervisor, and mean it. He wasn't joking.
But okay, after talking to him, I chalked it up to his religious fervor, and the direction he'd received back home to proselytize. That, at least, has a legal answer: prossing is not allowed in a federal government building.
Yesterday, he comes into my office and says, "I just blew my nose, and I felt something fly out. Can you look and see if I got something on my shirt?"
I swear it took me about 10 minutes to choke out, "There's a bathroom 3 steps away. Go look yourself."
These are just two data points. What the hell? How did he reach age 20 without basic socialization?
I am awake, because the girls who live downstairs decided to have a late-night sing-a-long to something. I finally went down and banged on the door to get them to shut up. I’ll try to go back to bed soon…
Yay, SA! I’m so glad the bag was found!
In the process, I found this: Yiddish with Dick and Jane
I saw that at the bookstore the other day. I had to have my friend J talk me out of buying it.
Oh, Raq. That is just bad. I kinda feel sorry for the kid.
How did he reach age 20 without basic socialization?
Home schooled?
Yay, SA! Like Daniel, I was catching up, and got to read the whole saga of your lost bag, and it really was a complete story--the heartbreak, the self-recrimination, the disbelief and then acceptance, the yearning for what was lost--and then, a happy ending! I love stories with happy endings.
Cass, your house sounds a bit like our house. We're having a 30 years overdue spring cleaning from hell. It's messy and stressful, but we're trying hard not to quit this time till it's all done. We've done countless dump runs, and donation runs. And the sorting, purging, and organizing what's left. It'll be wonderful when it's done. I just hope we don't poop out when it's almost done, and then start cluttering up again. That's our pattern.
But hey, you'll be leaving your history behind you, and starting fresh in a new place, so you can make new rules, too.
Okay, having caught up again, I'm off to bed now. G'night, Bitches.
Sleep, bug, sleep...
How did he reach age 20 without basic socialization?
We can hope that it will at least impede his chances of breeding and passing along the genes.
But hey, you'll be leaving your history behind you
My history of clutter follows me. Like the faithful bitch she is.
But today? I got my mail, tossed the crap in the recycle and actually *dealt* with the real mail. Immediately. I feel faint.
DH was chatty - and ranty( South dakota started it) this evening. Which means we got off the phone maybe half an hour ago. since then I have - done the dishes ( but the kitchen isn't clean), put a load of wash in ( they are flushing the water sys tomorrow - so you have to be careful about washing clothes),got clothes for donation by the door ( they can't go outside - hail is a possibility tonight), and collected the garbage cans ( don't want them to blow around in the wind - and I had to see if there was anyrain yet - rain that wassupposed to start at 8 am).
and all the () belong to me. I used them all.
Back up again. I wanna go back to bed. Ugh.
and all the () belong to me. I used them all.
You missed some. See? I got 'em over here, beth.
((((((((vw))))))))) I wanna be sleeping too. But the cats are hungry.
How did he reach age 20 without basic socialization?
Occam's razor suggests that the snot may be the cause of the "celibacy".
Morning. Very happy to read that the bag was retreived. That loss did make me feel a bit queasy.
Back at work. Tired. That's all!
So it finally rained last night. and now I am decideing if one really needs gutters. Because there is one near the corner of the house - near my room that has woken me up 2 nights in a row. Very loud iregular beat. Today it was 5/530 in the am. Which means no more sleep for me.