His temp was at around 87 degrees, no bowel sounds, no results from two enemas, thready pulse.
I'm sure it's awful, but the thing I immediately went to was "He was cold and sick so you gave him ENEMAS??"
Flirting can be so fun/energizing, but discovering that it's a habit...rather than a statement...for someone is so disappointing. Makes me wanna spit when I hear the phrase "don't hate the playah, hate the game".
Um. Heh. Well. I, uh...yeah. I'm a horrible and ridiculous perpetual flirt. I have been known to flirt with couches. I am all for flirtatious people. She just doesn't usually flirt with me, and seemed to be flirting WITH me, rather than just randomly being flirtatious in my direction. Sigh.
I think ita needs the dragon tights. They're totally her.
Guess what a common side effect is of the antibiotic I'm taking. C'mon, guess. It rhymes with "Bahrain."
Uh. I don't get it. What rhymes with Bahrain? (I'm literally sitting here going "Caraine? Daraine? Eahrain? Fahrain?" Oh, wait...jaw pain? Does that rhyme? It's too late at night for me. I'm a dork. And now I've let you all in on my dorky train of thought. Go Dork Train!)
last night I returned a wallet I found on the ground that had a Social Security Card and a check written out to cash in it
People still do that? (With the check, I mean) Wow! Did they give you a reward? Go you.
Yay for good interview, Nora! Best of luck.
And poor poor SA. Big hugs and best of luck to you and the evil elementary schoolers. Eesh. (OH! It was FOUND! YAY!)
I think berry-flavored Tums are better than the other flavors. This does not make them appropriate dessert, however. Of course, I had oatmeal and an apple for dinner, what do I know?