I bought a Mr. Clean magic spounge and while I was heating up my dinner unwrapped it to see what it was like and... and...
It WAS magic.
Right?!? It's unfreakingbelievable!
You know, I have tomorrow off, and yet I'm insanely tired and about to go to bed. And this is *early* for me for a Sunday night. ATHF just came on. (Mooninites!) Usually I'm awake on a Sunday night through at least Harvey Birdman.
I cleaned the apartment for about 3 hours today, and it really doesn't even look like I did anything to it. Which really only goes to show you what a high level of squalor it was in to begin with. I took it from squalor down to messy. Tomorrow I have to take it from messy to doesn't-look-like-a-warning-poster-for-hepatitis. And why? My neat-freak Mom is coming over for dinner Wednesday with one of my cousins. I hate it when my guests look like they wish they got a tetanus booster before they came over.
In any case, tomorrow is floors (vacuum, mop) and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser time for all the stray weird shit on the walls, door frames, etc. And probably a load of laundry.
I live on the edge.
I live on the edge.
omg, me too. I did my
Happy birthday, Beverly!
Congratulations, Deena! That totally rocks.
For OTC cough suppressant, I've used Delsym with marvellous results. Depressingly marvellous, since I could often tell exactly when it wore off.
Deena -- congrats on the house!
Beverly -- Happy last couple of hours of your birthday! (Which you share with one of my best friends evah!)
I live on the edge.
omg, me too. I did my dishes.
Me, too. In shifts. In fact, all my cleaning was in shifts. It was like Short-Attention-Span Theatre cleaning. I set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes, cleaned something until the timer went off, re-set it, and went to clean some other part of the apartment for 15 more minutes. After 45 minutes, I took a 15-minute break (mostly to rest my wrist and ice it; my tendonitis is still acting up). And then I re-set the timer and cleaned something else for 15 minutes. For 3 hours. And yet my apartment still looks like a pit of filth.
Deena, what a darling house! It's so fresh and clean without being boring post-war tract housing. What neighborhood is it in?
Sorry for the mis-post in the other thread, ita.
How do you feel about Scarlett's "Brass in Pocket"?
I have a fairly serious Scarlett problem, so that's a different issue, although I was a big fan of the Pretenders at the time, so I guess those are cumulative.
In an, "oh god, oh god, me ears!" way or an actually good way?
A good-bad sort of way. I like Bill's version, but the Elvis version is actually good.
I was totally charmed by Bill Murray's karaoke in LiT. Mostly b/c I identify *so* much with his character's inability to relax and get outside his own head to get lost in the moment. Even though he was still self-conscious in that scene, you could see little flashes -- almost infinitessimal -- where he got past that self-consciousness. Just teeny tiny bits. And it utterly charmed me.
Hmm. Maybe I'll put the DVD in.
I just Magic Erasered my stove.
There are no words.
I'm not entirely certain if I want to hear Bill's version now.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser time for all the stray weird shit on the walls, door frames, etc.
Okay, tomorrow I am getting me one of these.
I may not have cleaned the house past the dishes, then the sink and then the counters, but I have cleaned me. And am making dinner. I am watching old X-Files until it is time for GA. It's a Sunday.