I'm at work. I'm exhausted. Let's hope I can make it all day.
I met with Disability Services this morning. They're sending a letter to all of my profs about what's going on. They even may be willing to send a letter to work, since I work on campus. I'd rather not do that yet, though. Holding off...
I'm nervous. Hoping to keep the tears at bay for the day. Didn't even talk to my parents last night about what's going on. I'm just so embarrassed. I feel like such a failure. I just have this sinking feeling that this isn't going to work out.
Thanks for the ~ma for our guy.
WindSparrow, how's your guy doing?
Do what you can while taking care of yourself.
I'm working on a lit search today. Actually, I've done the search and collected all of the articles. Now, today, I start reading the articles and sorting them in some way. My concentration sucks. It should be interesting to see what I come up with.
I seem to be girlfriended once more.
Yay Billytea! Yay for gfnd-ness. May you be happier than you can imagine.
I mentioned in Firefly that things are going really well with Fella. So well, in fact, that the L word is now pretty common.
Of course, in the early stages, folks (okay...I) can be blinded by lurve. But. Really. This time? Easier, more laughter-filled, comfortable on all levels, manageable and respectful than ever...even with my former husband (read: love o my life).
I'm feeling remarkably fortunate.
Sorry about the teasage Meara. Flirting can be so fun/energizing, but discovering that it's a habit...rather than a statement...for someone is so disappointing. Makes me wanna spit when I hear the phrase "don't hate the playah, hate the game".
Yeah right. How about a little emotional responsibility. Too much to ask?
Andi, your hair looks fantastic! The stylist definitely did right by your curls. V. pretty!
Andi, somehow I missed that link! I can't believe it. I love looking at people's new hair! It looks fabulous. I hope you like it.
Feminine hivemind question:
Anyone have experience with, advice about taking Cipro?
For the last 5 years, I've managed ever UTI I've run into with cranberry, propolis and other healthfood store stuff.
Last Friday, I contracted the mother of all UTIs. I fought like the dickens, but had to bow the the gods of modern medicine yesterday.
Shouldn't I be symptom free after two doses? Why does it feel like the drugs are cooking me from the inside? Seriously, I feel like my stomach and escophagus are glowing with heat.
When I woke up this morning, I had the image of myself as Ms. Invisible...that clear plastic anatomy toy where you can remove the entrails.
Here we see Beej's digestive tract. It's currently being slow roasted by a hardcore chemical that is supposed to be helping her. Let's watch!
Shouldn't I be symptom free after two doses?
Unfortunately, no. Particularly in your case, because it sounds like you don't bow to the pharmaceutical gods unless the UTI is particularly nasty/persistent. And any nasty/persistent infection is going to take longer to succumb to drugs.
Why does it feel like the drugs are cooking me from the inside? Seriously, I feel like my stomach and escophagus are glowing with heat.
Cipro can be very very VERY rough on your GI tract. In fact, that's what I was taking last week for the ear infection, and it made me so sick that I had to stop taking it and switch to another antibiotic. That might be the case with you as well.