I think I might have to argue a bit about librarianship and information technology
I thought about that, too, and then noticed that "university lecturer" is listed, and, Ding! I won the points prize.
The talk of chocolate (excluding the mint chocolate chip ice cream, b/c I don't understand why people want ice cream that tastes like toothpaste) and Polish sausage is making me hungry.
(excluding the mint chocolate chip ice cream, b/c I don't understand why people want ice cream that tastes like toothpaste)
Because they like to eat ice cream that is the Best Flavor Ice Cream Ever?
Go Toronto, choose Toronto!
- hands out left-over Turin Olympics red and white pom-poms*
Yay the T dot! (what the hip kids are calling it these days. Tee-Ohh is so 80s, I gather)
Because they like to eat ice cream that is the Best Flavor Ice Cream Ever?
All the toothpaste flavored ice cream is yours. ::settles in with a pint of homemade vanilla & choc chip, giggling, "Mine, all mine!"::
Unless you want to head north to Alaska
NORTH to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on...
Uh. Sorry for that Johnny Horton moment.
I totally broke down. I went and got chicken strips and french fries at Wendy's, a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream, twizzlers, and cadbury eggs.
Damn steroids.
(it is intersting when you're out with Cass and some guy oggles her ass. on the one hand it's "hey, buddy, eyes back in the sockets" on the other, you sorta can't blame him)
My ass has been oggled? Was he cute?
Yay the T dot!
I am heading that direction... Does that count for anything?
But T dot? Huh the what?
It's like you reached inside my brain and grabbed every diet pitfall I own.
ETA: Thanks!
Damn steroids indeed, but are they at least helping you breathe and keeping you from more ER visits?
Also -- Ooh! Cadbury eggs are on the shelves already? Must hit the candy aisle at the drugstore on the way home tonight.
Ooh! Cadbury eggs are on the shelves already?
They are! Dave got me one for Valentine's Day because he knows I love them. And, now I really want one.